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Thread: Lightroom HDR Batch Process. Is there a way?

  1. #1

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    Lightroom HDR Batch Process. Is there a way?

    Hi, I posted this on the Lightroom forum but after 80+ views only had one reply with "not sure what you mean Russ" so from that posting.
    As I understand it you cannot BATCH process within Lightroom when it comes to HDR (maybe wrong but cannot see it).
    I have Photomatix Pro stand alone and Lightroom plugin but again cannot see an option to BATCH process images.
    Is there a way I am missing or another HDR program that will allow export from Lightroom direct to BATCH process?
    Thank You

    My follow up reply as follows to the not sure what....

    I have 144 images 3 of +2, 0, -2 so 144 divide by 3 is 48 so to get the 48 final images I would have to select 3 and process 48 times, with Photomatix Pro you can from the stand alone software import all 144 images and it will batch process useing 3 images at a time but I cannot see an option to do this from Lightroom with export to Photomatix or within Lightrooms Merge to HDR option.

  2. #2
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Lightroom HDR Batch Process. Is there a way?

    You can use Auto Sync to make the same edit to a group of photos.

  3. #3
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Lightroom HDR Batch Process. Is there a way?

    Lightroom is does not have batch processing capabilities per se and was not designed to.

    Adobe's photo batch processes run using Photoshop (with some help from Adobe Bridge).

  4. #4
    DanK's Avatar
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    Re: Lightroom HDR Batch Process. Is there a way?

    To integrate John and Manfred's comments: Lightroom makes it trivially easy to copy or synchronize settings from a single image to any others. However, the HDR function is not a set of settings applied to a single image; it is a merge of multiple images. AFAIK, the merge process has to be done one set of images at a time.

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