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Thread: Give and take

  1. #1
    KingshukChatterjee's Avatar
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    Kingshuk Chatterjee

    Give and take

    I failed to control the exposure as it was fast-moving scene and immense low light...saints gathering for the Gangasagar mela. but I liked the eyes asking for contribution, framed by the hand delivering blessing in return...
    Give and take

  2. #2
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    re: Give and take

    Still an engaging image, nice effort. What camera are you using and do you have the benefit of doing a scene setup prior to an event starting?

  3. #3
    KingshukChatterjee's Avatar
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    Kingshuk Chatterjee

    Re: Give and take

    I am using Canon 1100D. and, ofcourse not. it was like a fair and i hardly could avoid collisions during this shot...thanks

  4. #4
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Give and take

    I'm afraid that while I like the concept, the execution of this shot does not work for me. Nothing seems to be sharp and in focus.

    While I like the idea of the viewer's attention being drawn into the eyes, the bring lighting on the hand is distracting and we really don't notice the eyes. Our eyes will tend to be drawn to the brightest part of the image, and in this case it is the (out of focus) hand. The aperture (f/5) and the shutter speed (1/25th) at a focal length of 109mm are not going to work.

    For close up work, a shorter focal length is more likely to work for you in this type of situation. Had the light been better and you had shot at a faster shutter speed and at a smaller aperture, this might have turned out better.

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