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Thread: Hog's Back and Mooney's Bay

  1. #1
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Hog's Back and Mooney's Bay

    After getting out before sunrise this morning and getting to my shooting location to find that the scenes I planned to shoot would have to wait until next year.

    A week too late

    I decided to stay in the area and get some shots, regardless. All of these images (including the one in the link) were taken within around 100m / 300 ft of each other. They cover the Rideau Canal (albeit the drained version), the areas around Hog's Bag Falls and Mooney's Bay. Total shooting time; just over an hour.

    1. Hog's Back Falls - Some brilliant foliage and the water heading down the falls can be seen in this image. I'm shooting towards the north-west in this image. Being a cold morning, the spray from the falls created some lovely mist in the below freezing temperatures. There was a thin layer of ice on the foot bridge I crossed to take these shots. It was the first time since early spring that I wore a hat and gloves...

    Hog's Back and Mooney's Bay

    2. Bottom of Hog's Back Falls - This is just past the bottom of the falls, where the water continues down the Rideau River. One can see the humidity and spray from the small rapids condensing in the air. Someone thought it would be fun to tag some of the rocks with their grafitti. I'm shooting almost due north in this shot.

    Hog's Back and Mooney's Bay

    3. This is the north end of Lock 11 on the Rideau Canal. This part of the canal is drained in the fall to protected the structure from ice. One can see the gates as well as the valves (the wheels / rack arrangements) that are used to empty and fill the lock. The remaining water can be seen in the middle ground part of the image, as can the sides of the canal. I am shooting towards the north-west in this image. Lots of beautiful fall leaves are still visible in the image, but a lot of trees have lost their leaves.

    Hog's Back and Mooney's Bay

    4. Rideau Canoe Club building - This was taken from a position right behind where Image 3 was taken (I had to walk under a bridge to get there). There were still a few kayaks sitting up on the grass (just to the left of this shot), but things have definitely been put away for the winter. The leaves were nice and I was shooting to the south-west to get this image. This is Mooey's Bay and the entrance to the guard lock (Lock 12) is just to my right.

    Hog's Back and Mooney's Bay

    5. Mooney's Bay - This shot is taken towards the south and encompasses the area to the left of Image 4. Interesting clouds and a few power lines towards the south. The weather was a bit strange and things went from sunny to overcast and back again in minutes.

    Hog's Back and Mooney's Bay

    6. Map of where I was shooting. You should be able to figure out where some of these shots were taken from by looking at it. I found this to be an interesting exercise as I wanted to see how many interesting shots I could pull out of a fairly small area. I shot just after sunrise, so the TPE map helped my plan my shots.

    Hog's Back and Mooney's Bay

    The circle on the map has no meaning and seems to appear when pressing the <Shift> key when I made the screen capture.
    Last edited by Manfred M; 18th October 2015 at 11:48 PM.

  2. #2

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    Re: Hog's Back and Mooney's Bay

    I really like the first two shots, great colors and composition. The mist on the water is great! Great colors too.

    It has been getting cold here too . I am not ready for winter!

  3. #3
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Hog's Back and Mooney's Bay

    Nice series.

  4. #4
    dje's Avatar
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    Re: Hog's Back and Mooney's Bay

    You've got some lovely shots there Manfred, the colours are wonderful.


  5. #5
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Hog's Back and Mooney's Bay

    An interesting series and commentary, especially useful for me was the map, to orientate myself to the descriptions.

    Perhaps I should shoot something similar 'over here', although where I have in mind is not as large an area and I'm not sure I'm ready to commit to starting so early

    Lazy Dave

  6. #6
    petercfischer's Avatar
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    Re: Hog's Back and Mooney's Bay

    heartfelt thanks for sharing these snaps, lived beside Hogback in 1980 for a year [also went to Carlton University for 4 years in early 70s]...seeing these pictures just opened a window back in time. am fortunate to live out on the west coast now tramping the mountains or clicking shots by the sea but the capital + its environs still haunt our memories. appreciate you eye & the skill to capture the essence of the experience.


  7. #7
    Rebel's Avatar
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    Re: Hog's Back and Mooney's Bay

    Love number 1 and 2, great shots!

  8. #8

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    Re: Hog's Back and Mooney's Bay

    The organization of all the details in the second one works especially well for me.

  9. #9

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    Re: Hog's Back and Mooney's Bay

    Great series Manfred. My fan favourite is #1, but they are all beautiful. Thanks for the map detail, that is a great idea. While I've been to the falls for photography, I never contemplated the variety of shots you achieved. Well done, no matter what it seems we lose our leaves too quickly. Hopefully I can get out tonight after voting!

  10. #10

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    Re: Hog's Back and Mooney's Bay

    Wow! Image No.1 Just stunning !
    Last edited by Rider in the Sky; 20th October 2015 at 11:53 PM. Reason: sorry bout that. twas supposed to be a joke.

  11. #11
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Hog's Back and Mooney's Bay

    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Humphries View Post
    An interesting series and commentary, especially useful for me was the map, to orientate myself to the descriptions.

    Perhaps I should shoot something similar 'over here', although where I have in mind is not as large an area and I'm not sure I'm ready to commit to starting so early

    Lazy Dave
    I got into the habit of making the most out of an outing, even if my original plan can't be carried out (like it was yesterday). I'll put on some artificial restriction like a geographical limitation (like at this site) or shooting with a single (sometimes fixed focal length) lens just to push myself.

    As for getting up, the nice thing about fall and winter is that the sun rises later and sets earlier. A 7:30 start is a lot easier than a 4:30 start....

  12. #12

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    Re: Hog's Back and Mooney's Bay

    Hi Manfred , very nice series I especially like the first two images with lovely colors and composition. It is a pity that the winter is at the door where you live. You might as well do some indoor shooting though

  13. #13
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Hog's Back and Mooney's Bay

    Quote Originally Posted by Rider in the Sky View Post
    Wow! Image No.1 Just stunning !

    [ of course, its technically spot on. Nope, nothing "artistic" about it. ]
    I think my previous comments about me being a technical photographer rather than one who considers himself an artist are being mocked just a bit little bit here.

    In my view an image that is technically good should also be aesthetically good (nicely said, having good composition). This is the hallmark of most commercial photography.

    But is my photography art? Is the someone who produces technically competent and well composed images necessarily an artist? I think not... I know a number of successful commercial photographers (portrait, wedding, product, event and wildlife) and I don't think any of them would consider themselves as artists. Two of them are nationally (and to some extent internationally) known for their excellent work.

    I find myself in excellent company; a competent photographer, yes. An artist, definitely not...

  14. #14

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    Re: Hog's Back and Mooney's Bay

    Quote Originally Posted by GrumpyDiver View Post
    But is my photography art?
    If anyone can express a definition of art that is acceptable to everyone (nobody can), only then will we also be able to determine which photography is art. I know the definition of art that applies to me, but I enthusiastically understand that it might work only for me. So, I also know which photography is also art for me, but not for anyone else.

  15. #15
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Hog's Back and Mooney's Bay

    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Buckley View Post
    If anyone can express a definition of art that is acceptable to everyone (nobody can), only then will we also be able to determine which photography is art. I know the definition of art that applies to me, but I enthusiastically understand that it might work only for me. So, I also know which photography is also art for me, but not for anyone else.
    An interesting thought. My head was more wrapped around how to define an artist, and that is probably an easier question to answer. I feel it includes intent, occupation, philosophy and a level of mastery of the craft. As I score zero on each of those four points, I cannot consider myself an artist, even though I occasionally come up with a decent looking photograph.

  16. #16
    Chrisclick's Avatar
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    Re: Hog's Back and Mooney's Bay

    Gorgeous images, great work. I like everything about them with one tiny exception; I keep wishing the foreground elements in #3 weren't there. However, I know there was probably nothing that could be done about them, and at the very least, they provide context.

    My favourite would have to be #1, although they are all excellent captures.

  17. #17
    deetheturk's Avatar
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    Re: Hog's Back and Mooney's Bay

    Great images Manfred, the colours are beautiful, well captured!

  18. #18
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: Hog's Back and Mooney's Bay

    Technical photographer...?? Your shots are yours from years of experience. Not mocking, just in awe and jealous-ness for all the good images you put out there to share with us like these ones. My favourite is #1 too even though all of them are really good. The colours of autumn are exquisite still over there whereas we are just starting here in the Midwest, well, at least where we live ...

  19. #19
    MrB's Avatar
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    Re: Hog's Back and Mooney's Bay

    A good set of interesting photos, Manfred. A treat of good compositions, lovely autumn colours, nice skies, and flowing water as nature presents it (not cotton wool!). The only change - I would like to see more of the lock - perhaps a portrait format shot?


  20. #20
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Hog's Back and Mooney's Bay

    Quote Originally Posted by Chrisclick View Post
    Gorgeous images, great work. I like everything about them with one tiny exception; I keep wishing the foreground elements in #3 weren't there. However, I know there was probably nothing that could be done about them, and at the very least, they provide context.

    My favourite would have to be #1, although they are all excellent captures.
    Thanks Chris - I used the foreground element to try to hide the drained canal which quite frankly looks rather ugly now that the water has been drained out for the winter. This shot was taken from almost the same place (off to the side and forward a bit) of a previous post.

    A week too late

    Hog's Back and Mooney's Bay

    If you look carefully, you can see the remnants of the water and the muddy bottom of the canal. I used the top part of the lock to hide the mud. I also trimmed the lock gate at a place where it looked interesting. If you look at the very bottom of the image, you can see the tops of the lock gates that are usually covered by water and that large mass of dirty black is quite unattractive, so I kept most of it out of the frame during the shot.

    Parks Canada (this is the same Canadian government department that runs the National Parks) operates the Rideau Canal and the last few km / miles that run from where I took these pictures down to the Ottawa River is man-made part of the canal (the rest follows two rivers; the Cataraqui River at the southern part of the canal and the Rideau River on the northern stretches). This is to protect the walls from ice damage in the winter.

    Had I been there a few days earlier, I would have been able to shoot it with water in it; a far better image than the mud I had to work with. I'll try to get there earlier next year.
    Last edited by Manfred M; 21st October 2015 at 03:19 PM.

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