Thank you, John.
Image #2 - the "decisive moment" !
It captures the "oneness", "without thinking" movement of the rider and the horse.
Last edited by Rider in the Sky; 19th October 2015 at 04:18 PM.
Hi Dean I really like #2.
Nice series.
I love #2 too, Dean. I am not into ladies much but the last one is nicely caught. Very unusual...what is it?
Thanks all for commenting.
Izzie, the last shot is a roper's glove stuck over the horn of his or her saddle. Just a convienent place to keep it between rounds.
Nice series. IMO, an indoor rodeo is a difficult venue in which to shoot. Back in my film days, I lived in New Mexico and I enjoyed shooting the many small outdoor rodeos in which I could get up close to the barrier and shoot.
The problem I had with smaller venue rodeos was the background. If I were shooting an individual rider, I could use a wide aperture combined with a long focal length to allow selective DOF to completely separate the cowboy from the background. However, in shooting several riders, the BG separation became more difficult. I needed sufficient DOF to keep the riders and animals in focus and also needed a wider focal length to capture several cowboys and animals.
Some of my best shots were of single cowboys. There was one rodeo in which I could shoot from a low position and get mostly sky in the BG. That combined with the deep blue sky and billowy white clouds we frequently experienced in New Mexico made for quite nice shots.
As a native Texan, I've been there, seen that and shots this good (especially No. 2) are hard to come by. Congratulations.
Thank you, Richard and Tom for your comments.