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Thread: Day 05: July 2010 Photo-a-Day Thread

  1. #21
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Day 05: July 2010 Photo-a-Day Thread - 2 essais

    I am not a bird shooter but, decided that I will document the various birds which visit my property. My wife fills this finch feeder so I decided to set my camera with 300mm f/4 L IS lens on a tripod with a remote release. But, the batteries in the remote were not working. Usually the feeder is covered with finches of all colors and really makes a nice sight. However, since I could not fire the camera remotely I had to stand there, and stand there, and stand there... Finally after eons of time went by - this one brave finch decided to eat. I shot the image and called it a day. Tomorrow, I buy new batteries to replace the cheap Chinese batteries in my remote and do the photography properly.

    Day 05: July 2010 Photo-a-Day Thread

    Note: I do not have a "wife wife", I only have a "wife" and that is what I entered above. For some reason, post shows two words, "wife wife" where there is only one word "wife" and despite my attempts to correct the error, persists in calling Judy Judy my wife wife... Sorry!
    Last edited by rpcrowe; 5th July 2010 at 11:40 PM.

  2. #22
    PopsPhotos's Avatar
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    Late, but trying

    Stuck in the house today with sciattica and other assorted pains.

    The alfalfa usually is in full bloom by this time, It's been so cool and wet this year, this is all I've got.

    Day 05: July 2010 Photo-a-Day Thread


  3. #23
    PopsPhotos's Avatar
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    Re: Late, but trying

    Note: I do not have a "wife wife", I only have a "wife" and that is what I entered above. For some reason, post shows two words, "wife wife" where there is only one word "wife" and despite my attempts to correct the error, persists in calling Judy Judy my wife wife... Sorry!
    I had that problem for a long time. Then, just last week, it went away. I guess it was tired of pestering me and went somewhere else.


  4. #24

    Join Date
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    Lantern or Lamp

    Day 05: July 2010 Photo-a-Day Thread

    Didn't get a chance to get out today.

  5. #25

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    Re: House of Mamom

    I know I'm behind but only just surfacing from stag weekend. I'll catch up tomorrow. Meanwhile here is one from yesterday (5th that is).

    Day 05: July 2010 Photo-a-Day Thread

    EXIF: Canon 10D IR, 50mm F1.8 at F11 1/320sec ISO100.

  6. #26
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: House of Mamom

    peterb... That building looks like something out of a Batman movie...

  7. #27
    Klickit's Avatar
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    Re: House of Mamom

    That is one of the more interesting building shots I've seen for a long time. Love the way it fades into darkness....

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