Here are some shots I have taken and uploaded via tinypic (first time) these shots if they have loaded are from my new Canon 70D, Be easy on me as it is my first photo post and the first time for doing night shots and also first time going fully manual with my camera which I have only had for 2 months I upgraded from a 350D...I have manipulated them in a little in Lightroom which I have only just had too !
1 (Canon 70D, 20mm, f/14, 1.6 seconds, ISO 1600)
2 (Canon 70D, 28mm, f/14, 1.6 seconds, ISO 1600)
3 (Canon 70D, 18mm, f/14, 1.6 seconds, ISO 1600)
4 (Canon 70D, 31mm, f/14, 1.6 seconds, ISO 1600)
5 (Canon 70D, 73mm, f/10, 1.3 seconds, ISO 800)