I agree with Wendy here, backgrounds fussy but the main subject is very nicely captured. It did make me check something though. I have been thinking about context today and pondering why some photographers images look so much better in their native websites. So I had a look at your Sunny Spot again and sure enough your images work wonderfully in your chosen environment, So we need to bear in mind (as Colin has reminded me on at least one occasion) Colins images are taken with big prints in mind, yours are taken with your personal blog in mind, mine are usually taken with very little on my mind

But you can see my point about context. I take my images to be viewed in the internet gallery context but that is far from true with many others.
I am rambling a bit here and I have not reached a satisfactory conclusion. But I think all of us should remind ourselves when we get comments that the critic may not be seeing the image in context. If my images get short shift then I know I have failed because I have internet single photo viewing in mind as my viewing medium...this may not be the case with others.