Nice colors, a bit dark on current monitor.
Hi Brian,
Everything is just fractionally OOF, including the bloom itself. Think ye got just a wee bit too close with whatever lens ye used.
Taking a shot like that, ah normally use an incident light reading from a light meter (digital camera, or not). Also 2/3 spot readings on different areas of the subject, with the camera, and then add them up and take a mean.
The dark blue/purple looks pretty correct tae me - notoriously difficult colours tae capture, especially on digital sensors....early morning shot, just after the flower opens may help? Ah think yer in the ballpark...
Just had a thought. Did ye denoise during processing - that can give that too smooth, OOF look.
That's a very tough subject Brian,
Those colours do not contribute much to an overall image (in TV cameras, the blue channel contributes just 11% to the luminance of the picture), so getting anything to sharpen on is a tall order, especially given the surrounding vegetation blocks a lot of light from falling on the subject.
Dave thinking out loud:
If you have any funds available (after the A58), you may benefit some form of local illumination to capture the blooms and bugs in your garden, however, I appreciate the bulk and weight of say, a flash fitted to the end of the lens may not be practical. I guess the alternative would be an on-camera hot-shoe flash (for better weight balance?) with some form of optical channelling to direct the light to illuminate from the area at the end of the lens. Perhaps a DIY project, utilising a cheap flash gun?
The exposure can still be curtailed to suit your style, just the light may illuminate the subjects better than overhead ambient.
Just a thought, Dave
Last edited by Dave Humphries; 28th October 2015 at 01:10 PM. Reason: fix quote tag