Last edited by John 2; 27th October 2015 at 08:01 PM.
The execution of the second photo is outstanding with the exception of the sharpening halos [EDIT: Now corrected]. The monk in ghost form in the last one is very cool.
Last edited by Mike Buckley; 27th October 2015 at 08:31 PM.
Thanks Mike. That's what happens when you mess with the computer at the same time as posting images. I wasn't concentrating. Sharpening halos eliminated.
I can only thing of what is must looked like with stain glass, all very excellent shots. Ya that monk ghost is soooo cool.
Cheers: Allan
Nice set, John. The little sun burst in #3 is a nice touch.
I am surprised to see the manicured lawns there. If it were here, I am sure it would be overgrown.
Wow, I really like those, John. The mono processing looks great in all three. Was the lens flare introduced in #3? Although the monos are much more attractive (to me), I do like the yellows/oranges in #1.
Gotta love the ghost!
Nice series.
Nice set, John...the last one is eerie...I like all of them but I like the coloured one best.
Thanks all for the comments.
Greg, it's quite a large estate and still in private hands (Duke of Devonshire I believe) but it is looked after very well. It's a major part of the tourist industry of the area.
Chris, the lens flare has been added in pp. The sun behind the priory wall produced a bright spot and so I thought why not.
Very cool images John
Wonderful captures John, love the processing too!
Very nice series. Number 2 stands out to me.
Great set of images John, #3 is my personal favourite.
I still want to ask, John...was the ghost intentional or it just appeared when you processed it? I've been dying to ask that one for a while but I waited...and waited...and waited....It seems timely for the weekend event...
Thanks Binnur, David, Jim, Matt and Izzie.
I was photo bombed Izzie. They don't care you know.
No Izzie. Added in PP although the figure captured in the original shot of the monk must have been real enough.
Nice series. I particularly like #3. How do you add lens flare to a shot?
Thanks Joe. There are two ways that I know of and I use Photoshop. You can build it on layers or do what I do and invest in a Topaz Star effect plug-in which is much easier. I have a tutorial somewhere for the layers method. If you want to try it, I'll see if I can find it.