I note the 'buggy' is designed for a quick-tip emptying![]()
What a cutie shot! Love it...you have a good eye in this composition even if it is for fun. I wish I can think fast with my feet like this one...envious...sort of reminded me to go to Theis Farm this weekend or something...they have a their Halloween settings since late September and I can't find the time...Thanks...
Very nice shot, Rita.
Yes Dave, easy load and unload![]()
Izzie, a bit of cropping and cloning out some bits and bobs helped![]()
Thanks John and Dean.
So cute![]()
A pity about the motion blurred feet; but this still makes a good fun shot.
Hi Rita,
Fun, beautifully creative image. The blurred feet don't bother me at all but the spots in the grass from cloning do. It's such a nice image and I think it's worth the extra time spent.
I'd like to explain how I'm sure I would have approached the composition of this scene. I would have either closed in much tighter on the child to exclude the adult or I would have included all of the adult. In both cases, I would have produced a considerably inferior composition compared to yours.
I fear that you are underestimating the basic quality of this image and, in the process, are hesitant to take it to the higher level that it deserves. Consider adjusting the black point to make it black. Increase the mid-tone contrast throughout except for the child. Tone down the bright areas of the child's head. Increase the contrast and sharpening of the child's eyes. Add a vignette. Submit it to your local newspaper if you can provide releases signed by the adult; it's that good!
Thank you Binnur and Geoff.
Christine, nice to see you back! Thanks for pointing out the cloning oops. I will fix that.
Mike, thank you so much. You are right that I wasn't looking to take it to the higher level. I was just looking at it as a fun shot. There is no way that I can get permission to use the image as you suggest because I have no idea who the lady is. I will however take your edit suggestions and give it another try to see what I come up with. Later this evening I will post my result.
Haha nice shot Rita, the crop is good![]()