Like a Holstein needs to worry about being eaten, they are pampered and just need to be milked twice a day
Nice photo, at least, unlike my Horses, she didn't ask if your camera was a treat.
Great portrait, Randy.
Unfortunately for the subject, the scare campaign was debunked
Very nice
He looks delicious.
Haha...very nice
I think it is a nice photo of a cow, but the announcement is a load of bull.
I must admit that my choice of title was a lame attempt at humor....It was that or "Eat more Chicken"
Awesome shot Randy, she looks quite scary!
You should all see Ucci's two pet cows...they are spoiled rotten and beautiful too...
'Eat more chick_n'! 'Eat more chick_n'! 'Eat more chick_n'! Moo...mooo....mooooooooo...I don't eat a moo unless it is Chateau your cow is safe from me...