Untitled by Sharon Reid, on Flickr
Untitled by Sharon Reid, on Flickr
Bird looks so calm on what would perhaps have been a very turbulent weather scenario. Nicely captured.
Indeed it should.
Felt a bit the same today. My father was hospitalised today and at about 11:30am I had to drop everything and head north (to Fort William). Thought I'd take the scenic route via Crieff, Loch Earn side, Glen Dochart, Rannoch Moor, Glencoe. Well.
First time I saw anything was once I dropped down the pass into Glencoe. Up until that point it had been thick fog all the way.
Back down the A9 later in the day and it was fog all the way there as well.
I will be repeating the journey tomorrow or Thursday and it looks as if it's still going to be the same.
I think it is a great photo. Something strange about it that is quite appealing to me.
Cheers Ole