That's a beautiful image, Richard. Looks like you shot it at night with the waterlily illuminated from below. However it was done - good job.
Very nice.
Hi Dicky....the link is not working for me, as I just get a message to join Goggle account.......
What a beautiful shot! Can you share how you did this one? Please...I don't really like shooting flowers but I enjoyed this one...very inspiring.
Glad you like it. It was shot in very poor high contrast light, not ideal for the lens I was using; a ray of sunlight just happened to shine through the leaves of a tree and on to the flower. EM-1 and 75-500mm II at 215mm gave good subject isolation and a reasonably sharp image. I PP'ed out a lily-pad that showed up as faintly green below the flower and then increased contrast and intensified shadows.
Hi Griddi, I changed the Google link to allow anyone to view the image and edited this post. I had to use Electric Bill's little URL edit to make the image visible via this forum. Any problems PM me and I'll try to sort it out. This forum doesn't seem to like the link you get from Google Drive so you have to replace "" with "" before posting here; I wrote a little program to do it automatically so hopefully I won't have any more problems in future.
I wonder if this shot can be simulated using a flashlight or LED? Anyone???