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First off, I don't shoot homeless, beggars, etc, to me it's the low hanging fruit of street photography. That said, there is a woman I see now and again on the street, it started one day because she commented on my dog, we stopped to chat and she was petting my dog. Any time after that if I saw her (or her me) she would call out my dog's name (she had a harder time remembering mine). So it became a bit of a routine, we'd say hi, she'd pet Boodoo while we chatter. What I learned from her, drug and alcohol addiction, lives in a half-way house, panhandles for change, goes to a local chain restaurant for coffee, has a 'husband' with similar issues as hers, she hopes to someday get an apartment they can both live in together and get some kind of normal life. Will it happen? Sadly I have my doubts but I suspect the dream of that is what keeps her going.
Not every time, but every now and again when I see her I hand her a couple of bucks, she's always grateful and she never once asked me for money. Do I think she's running a scam? No. Do I think she's living the life of Riley after hours? No. Some people just have it hard and it never gets easier. I'm not gonna be a d**k to them because their life sucks.
And the bigger point here is that so many, if in fact not most of the homeless are there because of mental illness. There aren't enough hospital beds for a fraction of these people, even if there were funding for them, and there isn't. So while they may have been diagnosed and prescribed anti-psychotics, they may run out of them, forget to take them, sell them, but these are all effects of their illness. And with no family, no support system, little if any societal assistance they're doomed to live their lives out on the street. It's certainly not a chosen way of life. I have no doubt that there are, as Ted and Izzie pointed out, people out there taking advantage of the goodness of others. And it takes a special low-life kind of person to do that. But it shouldn't mean we just assume that all of those people out on the streets are there by choice and that they're scamming us. And yes, aggression and even violence may be a result of their mental illnesses. I'm not saying they're all safe to be around, in facet some are downright dangerous. But that can be said of pretty much any group of people. Ok, off my soap box and off to walk my dog on the mean streets.