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Thread: trying to move past my regular shot ~ Spiral

  1. #1

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    trying to move past my regular shot ~ Spiral

    Lately I have been feeling a certain amount of angst over my shooting. A feeling of predictability. Today when I read a comment saying that one of my shots was better than my regular shot I knew it was time to move along.

    I don't know where the journey will take me but this is the first step. C&C needed. please and thank-you.
    trying to move past my regular shot ~ Spiral

  2. #2

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    Re: trying to move past my regular shot ~ Spiral

    The composition is spot on Brian. The highlights need pulling back a bit but you're on the move - keep going.

  3. #3

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    Re: trying to move past my regular shot ~ Spiral

    Quote Originally Posted by John 2 View Post
    The composition is spot on Brian. The highlights need pulling back a bit but you're on the move - keep going.
    I shall.

  4. #4
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: trying to move past my regular shot ~ Spiral

    Nicely captured.

  5. #5
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: trying to move past my regular shot ~ Spiral

    I like that Brian, a lot.

    I don't even mind the highlights (they don't look blown on histogram).

    The only minor suggestion is that if mine, I'd clone out the broader bright bit peeking out from behind the leaf on the left edge.

    It could perhaps be cropped off, but that would spoil the symmetry of the bright parts going in to the two top corners, which might lead to other cropping and ultimately spoil the balance of the composition.

    I wondered what it would look like in monochrome?
    It would be important, if/when converting, to retain a good balance of tonality.

    If sticking to colour, I might try a version with enhanced saturation to bring out the difference between the reddy/brown stem and green leaves.

    Oddly, compared to what I usually say; this works better for me viewed in the smaller size of the thread than when seen at 100% in LyteBox - I think that's because viewing the smaller size renders issues of focus point and Depth of Field less important - in fact it may be worth producing a final size that is smaller than usual.

    It is almost an abstract and (I think) works due to the relatively simple composition and the inspired framing of the leaves and the curl of the stem - how you saw that amongst all the other plants in your garden is a lesson to us all.

    See what happens when you really try?

    Perhaps I should give it a go


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    Re: trying to move past my regular shot ~ Spiral

    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Humphries View Post
    ..................I don't even mind the highlights (they don't look blown on histogram). .....
    Dave, they are on my histogram but that's not the point. Pulling them back reveals detail that is lost at the moment - see below.

    Brian reducing the highlights has exposed a strange blotch bottom centre. Might be something on the sensor.

    trying to move past my regular shot ~ Spiral

  7. #7

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    Re: trying to move past my regular shot ~ Spiral

    Quote Originally Posted by John 2 View Post
    Dave, they are on my histogram but that's not the point. Pulling them back reveals detail that is lost at the moment - see below.

    Brian reducing the highlights has exposed a strange blotch bottom centre. Might be something on the sensor.

    trying to move past my regular shot ~ Spiral
    Or it might be (and indeed it is) a bit of water on the leaf.

  8. #8

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    Re: trying to move past my regular shot ~ Spiral

    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Humphries View Post
    I like that Brian, a lot.

    I don't even mind the highlights (they don't look blown on histogram).

    The only minor suggestion is that if mine, I'd clone out the broader bright bit peeking out from behind the leaf on the left edge.

    It could perhaps be cropped off, but that would spoil the symmetry of the bright parts going in to the two top corners, which might lead to other cropping and ultimately spoil the balance of the composition.

    I wondered what it would look like in monochrome?
    It would be important, if/when converting, to retain a good balance of tonality.

    If sticking to colour, I might try a version with enhanced saturation to bring out the difference between the reddy/brown stem and green leaves.

    Oddly, compared to what I usually say; this works better for me viewed in the smaller size of the thread than when seen at 100% in LyteBox - I think that's because viewing the smaller size renders issues of focus point and Depth of Field less important - in fact it may be worth producing a final size that is smaller than usual.

    It is almost an abstract and (I think) works due to the relatively simple composition and the inspired framing of the leaves and the curl of the stem - how you saw that amongst all the other plants in your garden is a lesson to us all.

    See what happens when you really try?

    Perhaps I should give it a go

    Actually I used a B&W in the pp. and it was a question which way I went. The bright part bottom left is another leaf. I did clear out some others but left that one in. Mind you I could take it out with a paint brush.

    I saw it because I was looking for it and a while back I planted a section of the garden with these plants because of their shape and their flowers. Today when i needed to find something new I went to them. Instead of looking for the beautiful white blossoms with the red base i looked for the shape.

    yes you should give it a go.
    trying to move past my regular shot ~ Spiral

  9. #9

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    Re: trying to move past my regular shot ~ Spiral

    I like this! I like both the original and John 2's version, though not so much the B/W - I'm not a fan of B/W but in any case the colours in the orignal are few and very striking.

    I do like how flowers and plants can give such unusual abstract shapes when it's not a 'regular' shot,
    In fact this has inspired me, we've just finished for a 5 day weekend so have time on my hands....

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    Re: trying to move past my regular shot ~ Spiral

    Quote Originally Posted by rachel View Post
    I like this! I like both the original and John 2's version, though not so much the B/W - I'm not a fan of B/W but in any case the colours in the orignal are few and very striking.

    I do like how flowers and plants can give such unusual abstract shapes when it's not a 'regular' shot,
    In fact this has inspired me, we've just finished for a 5 day weekend so have time on my hands....
    actually the colours in the original were very different. I overlayed the colour on the B&W version to get the posted version.
    This is the color version before the overlay.

    trying to move past my regular shot ~ Spiral

  11. #11

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    Re: trying to move past my regular shot ~ Spiral

    Ooh, yes, I see. I prefer the first version you posted then.

  12. #12

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    Re: trying to move past my regular shot ~ Spiral

    Quote Originally Posted by rachel View Post
    Ooh, yes, I see. I prefer the first version you posted then.
    so do I.

  13. #13
    Wavelength's Avatar
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    Re: trying to move past my regular shot ~ Spiral

    Very nice indeed; you don't have to change your track; just add this genre along with

  14. #14

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    Re: trying to move past my regular shot ~ Spiral

    Quote Originally Posted by JBW View Post
    Or it might be (and indeed it is) a bit of water on the leaf.
    Could well be Brian. Thought would mention it just in case.

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    Re: trying to move past my regular shot ~ Spiral

    Quote Originally Posted by Wavelength View Post
    Very nice indeed; you don't have to change your track; just add this genre along with
    true enough.

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