A ship named Little Rock...where is it docked?
Quite a nice shot John.
Long time no see. Last time I saw her she was the Flagship for the 6th Fleet, homeported in Gaeta, Italy. Was on her twice, once to pick up box lunches they kindly made for us and once when we brought a fellow Seabee to their sickbay to see to a minor concussion he received while we were all 'socializing' with some of the fleet sailors. Ah....good times ;-)
Nice memories, Jack...
And John, I like the blues of this image. The water leading to the shore pulls the eyes towards it.
Very nice John, I really like the blue.
Very lovely blue...nice shot
I think it was shot just after the sunset. I love the blue sky
I liked B&W version too....but what is this last image???? i never did like such one
Black an white is my favourite!
Nice one. I like both versions.