Darn, Kim! Just when the conversation about wine and travel was getting really interesting, you were compelled to interrupt things to actually discuss the photo!
My answer to your question about the paper will make you sorry you asked.

The paper in this photo and others I purchased are sometimes so thin that they have the feeling and look that is close to tissue paper. In fact, the background paper in this photo is no thicker than the tissue-like paper wrapped around the bottle. Some of the papers have colors printed on them, as in the case of the paper in this photo. Other papers are slightly textured and may also have other colors mixed throughout, I think by combining different colors and thicknesses of pulp into one sheet of paper. Others are really thick, have one color, and are extremely heavily textured in a seemingly random pattern. Some are a regular thickness, have no texture and only one color but have a look that is similar to metallic paint used on cars.