Very nice.
Interesting processing John,
I assume you 'monochromed out' all but the red and oranges?
Compositionally, I wonder whether you need quite so much foreground - if mine, I'd remove a bit, say 5% (of image height), no more.
Cheers, Dave
Last edited by Dave Humphries; 25th November 2015 at 10:12 AM. Reason: clarified my 5%
I really like this shot, especially the silhouette of the church with the flood lighting. Not sure what Dave means when he says crop out 5% of the foreground, does he mean 5% of the total picture in the fore ground or 5% of the foreground in front of the river side wall. In which case it would probably only be 5% of 25% which would be around 2% of the over all picture and not really very much at all. I like the composition as it is, it very closely keeps to the 1/3 rule.
I like the overall image, John --I think he monochromed the image then brushed back on the colours of the township on, the foreground. Very nice effect...good pp...
Hi Gordon,
I have now clarified the "5%" - that'll teach me to rush
Hi Greg,
Yeah I saw the green too, but was rushing the reply![]()
Cheers, Dave
Thanks for the comments all. The image hasn't been monochromed as such but as with many night shots, the original has an overall blue cast due to the effect of the sky. Something that even a UV filter doesn't seem to eliminate. I have removed this in PP and yes, the flood lighting on the church has been saturated a little to make it stand out as the focal point. There is green there on the far bank and in the near RHS grass verge but the latter is in shadow and has been further darkened by a slight vignetting of the corners. I prefer it this way but for comparison and without going completely back to square one, the original looked like this. Which do you prefer? (Use lightbox to flick between the two).
Last edited by John 2; 25th November 2015 at 10:24 AM.
Love the composition. For some reason the orange reflections in the water bothers me. I'd certainly like other people's input here as I really really like this picture.
Cheers Ole
Very nice image, I like the orange reflections in the water. They help my eyes wander up the river and then to the church.
Classic; excellent;superb![]()
I prefer your second version John. Pulling back the green looks better to me.
What I really like about this shot is that it emulates what we humans see when it gets darker out; mostly monochrome with the lit highlights standing out in colour.
Love it. Also like the second slightly bluer/less green edit as well. Beautiful image either way.
Hi John . I like both of them for different reasons.The first one is more like a natural looking photo, IMO the second image makes a book cover or magazine cover![]()
Lovely atmospheric original post that brings back fond memories.
Wonderful image, I love it.
I like both too.
Regards. Barr1e
Thanks all for all the additional comments. I must admit that I have now ended up not knowing which one I prefer. I have just processed a second shot taken in the opposite direction up the river. It was taken earlier when there was more light and didn't have such a pronounced blue cast. I don't know why that should be. I will post it anon.