Very nice
Is the first one cropped a fraction on the tight side? Otherwise they look fine to me.
Very nice series. I agree with Geoff about the first image but even if it is a tight crop I like the face very much
Hi Rob,
They look like 'characters'
My thought on the series was that they are mostly very 'centred' in the frame.
Even if you use the single central AF point, focus and re-compose would allow subject placement so they are looking 'in to' the frame, rather than out.
Alternatively, crop in Post Processing.
For #1, you could have rotated the camera and shot in portrait orientation, thus preserving the ear tips.
Good exposures and nicely blurred backgrounds.
HTH, Dave
I prefer #1 has a nice smile...I feel sorry for it that you clipped his/her ear.
Last edited by IzzieK; 28th November 2015 at 11:06 AM.
Looks like I'm going to have to back and try again with these little fellas. Portrait orientation it is.
Not sure why I didn't think of that at the time! 1st day out with new camera perhaps.