Another beautiful shot, Raj. You seem to have a better at the camel fair than I did. I have lots of pictures of camels!
When I first saw this image my initial concern was all that hair on your subject's forehead, until I realized that these were shadows cast by patterns in the scarf she is holding away from her head. Let me show you two possibilities for a crop and then my thoughts on how to edit. The edits are pretty well identical, other than the crop.
Edit 1 - using the scarf to frame the model

Edit 2 - A more traditional headshot framing.

As for the edits; your exposure was right on; but I did a tiny tweak of the black point and white point. I found that the skin tones looked a bit too warm. I suspect that this might be due to the light coming through the red scarf warming things up, so I cooled things down a bit. I do prefer portraits to be a bit on the warm side, but not quite that warm.
The contrasty lighting give a nice look to the image, but has two or three side effects I countered. The shadows were a bit too heavy, so I dodged those areas a bit to kill the shadows there a touch. Harsh lighting will also accentuate the pores in the skin and will introduce specular highlights on the skin. I softened the skin a bit and reduced the reflections on the skin. I also touched out a few hairs, especially the ones over her camera right eye.
As for the crops; I prefer the first one that uses the scarf to frame the subject's face. I found that your framing was a bit too wide. We want the scarf to complement the face, without competing with it. There was a white area on the right side of the image; I cropped that out. On the left side, I found that the green in the bottom left corner and the area of wall or ceiling at the top left corner just added another element of distraction, so I cropped both of them out. This left less scarf in the image. I think this amount helps frame the face and helps explain the shadows being cast on the face without competing too much with the face.
The second image is more of a classical head shot, but I don't think it is as strong as the first crop.