Thank you all for your comments. They are much appreciated.
It appears that I was not very clear in my opening post and left the impression that the shots that I posted were an attempt to capture a dreary day. The damp, gray and gloomy weather is what got me off the couch and out shooting but by the time I took those shots, the weather had turned out quite nice.
The main reason that I posted the two color versions is that I realised for the first time that setting the white point and the black point might not be the right thing to do. It works in this case but I wonder if it would have had I succeeded in capturing a dreary day.
As per Geoff, Sam, Dave and Manfred's suggestion, here is a 4x5 cropped version of shot #2. I only cropped the sky and left the grass intact.
I would have to agree that the crop result in a much better crafted photo.
Manfred - Why I chose portrait orientation is difficult to answer. The simplistic answer is that landscape did not work. I was standing on the shoulder of a main road so camera right would show street lights, roadway and cars. Nothing very interesting on the left either. In reality it is more complicated than that.
The vast majority of my photos are landscapes. When I compose my shots, I look at both orientations and pick the one that works best which is usually the horizontal orientation. However, once in a while, I pick portrait without really knowing why. When I do, I usually end up with a photo that breaks "composition rules" and that have a lot of negative space but somehow appeal to me. This is one of those shots. Maybe someday I will figure out why they work for me.
Again thank you all for your comments. They make me a better photographer and more importantly make me think and this is why I like this forum.