Indeed, and what utterly stupid words to use
for that, given they already have other meanings!
Not that I'm having a go at you Ted, or Geoff - almost all of us do it,
myself included.
Ubiquity strikes again.
We're not gonna change the world (ever, let alone overnight), but 'vertical format' and 'horizontal format' would be better used to describe the camera's orientation, although we mustn't forget 'square format'.
That leaves the words 'portrait' and 'landscape' free to describe the subject matter (alone), which is as it should be.
Of course, the problem is that the confusion/contradiction of statements like "a 'landscape' scene shot in portrait format" will only disappear after everyone has got used to the better way of describing camera orientation - and that's unlikely to happen.
Don't get me started, I feel an attack of GOM syndrome coming on (Grumpy Old Man)