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Thread: Try as I will I cannot get my new monitor to look like my laptop. too light or dark?

  1. #21

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    Re: try as I will I cannot get mty new monitor to look like my laptop. too light or d

    It's certainly not useless if it's better than what he has. As I said, it worked well for me and I still run through the process from time to time when I have nothing better to do.

    Brian has presented photos before that came out too dark in my opinion and I've passed along comments regarding that to him. In this case he pointedly asked if it was too light or too dark and by that I can only assume he has no effective meter. Using the site I linked to, the before and after comparisons provided at the end of the ColorMunki process showed a minimal change in the examples provided. Until he acquires an adequate colormeter he will get much further using the site I provided than simply trying to match a 5 year old laptop with questionable characteristics. He's have better luck trying to match his television.

    Going through the process will at the least, further his knowledge about his monitor in general.

  2. #22

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    Re: try as I will I cannot get mty new monitor to look like my laptop. too light or d


    Just keep in mind that you are perhaps sharing your images more than anyone else in the forum, which is wonderful of course. However, if you ever have any hope of reliably seeing the same colors in your photos on your system that other discriminating photographers see on their system, you will need to buy the calibration hardware and the software that comes with it. The same holds true if you ever have any hope of reliably seeing your photos displayed the same way when you post-process images using a particular monitor and graphics card and then change one or both of them. Fortunately, the calibration hardware tools are easy to use even for a non-technologist such as me. Though they are not expensive compared to the many ways other photography tools can drain money from your wallet, they're also not free.
    Last edited by Mike Buckley; 15th December 2015 at 10:36 PM.

  3. #23

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    Re: try as I will I cannot get mty new monitor to look like my laptop. too light or d

    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Buckley View Post

    Just keep in mind that you are perhaps sharing your images more than anyone else in the forum, which is wonderful of course. However, if you ever have any hope of reliably seeing the same colors in your photos on your system that other discriminating photographers see on their system, you will need to buy the calibration hardware and the software that comes with it. The same holds true if you ever have any hope of reliably seeing your photos displayed the same way when you post-process images using a particular monitor and graphics card and then change one or both of them. Fortunately, the calibration hardware tools are easy to use even for a non-technologist such as me. Though they are not expensive compared to the many ways other photography tools can drain money from your wallet, they're also not free.
    I have come to the understanding that composition, texture, and the overall feeling of the shot passes well electronically (most of the time) but subtle shading of colours maybe not. Calibration tools will one day get to the top of the list but for now....

    I must admit to being greedy. I share so many shots because I get excellent teaching here. With the teaching comes greater pleasure for me and for the people that I share them with who are not a part of CiC.

  4. #24

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    Re: try as I will I cannot get mty new monitor to look like my laptop. too light or d

    That makes perfect sense to me, Brian.

  5. #25
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: try as I will I cannot get mty new monitor to look like my laptop. too light or d

    Quote Originally Posted by JBW View Post
    I have come to the understanding that composition, texture, and the overall feeling of the shot passes well electronically (most of the time) but subtle shading of colours maybe not.

    Brian - you are certainly an optimist.

    Unless your computer screen has been calibrated and profiled, you have no idea if what you are seeing on it is anywhere close to what we are seeing.

    If your screen is turned up too bright, an area that is in shadow could look just right to you, while for someone with a profiled and calibrated screen, could see that part of the image is muddy. A similar issue could occur if your contrast is turned up too high, you could be seeing subtle shading whereas I might see things as a muddy mess.

    On the other hand, things could be perfect and I am seeing things almost exactly the same as you are. Chances are that this is not true. The issue is that you don't (and can't) know; at least not unless you calibrate and profile your screen, as Mike has suggested.

  6. #26

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    Re: try as I will I cannot get mty new monitor to look like my laptop. too light or d

    Quote Originally Posted by GrumpyDiver View Post
    Brian - you are certainly an optimist.

    Unless your computer screen has been calibrated and profiled, you have no idea if what you are seeing on it is anywhere close to what we are seeing.

    If your screen is turned up too bright, an area that is in shadow could look just right to you, while for someone with a profiled and calibrated screen, could see that part of the image is muddy. A similar issue could occur if your contrast is turned up too high, you could be seeing subtle shading whereas I might see things as a muddy mess.

    On the other hand, things could be perfect and I am seeing things almost exactly the same as you are. Chances are that this is not true. The issue is that you don't (and can't) know; at least not unless you calibrate and profile your screen, as Mike has suggested.
    I've had MS for 30+ years, married twice, been a pastor, I live on the side of a sleeping volcano, promote peace in a low intensity war zone and I'm a controlled alcoholic. Damn right I'm an optimist!

  7. #27

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    Re: try as I will I cannot get mty new monitor to look like my laptop. too light or d

    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Buckley View Post
    That makes perfect sense to me, Brian.
    Bu consider my wife's resume.... I put up with him.
    Last edited by JBW; 16th December 2015 at 03:58 AM.

  8. #28
    mknittle's Avatar
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    Re: try as I will I cannot get mty new monitor to look like my laptop. too light or d

    Quote Originally Posted by JBW View Post
    I've had MS for 30+ years, married twice, been a pastor, I live on the side of a sleeping volcano, promote peace in a low intensity war zone and I'm a controlled alcoholic. Damn right I'm an optimist!
    Impressive resume there my friend

  9. #29

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    Re: try as I will I cannot get mty new monitor to look like my laptop. too light or d

    Quote Originally Posted by mknittle View Post
    Impressive resume there my friend
    but consider my wife's resume ~ all of her own achievements plus she gets to say: I haven't killed him...yet.

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