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Stupid question: my understanding is that current Nikon cameras are ISO-less. If that is true, why bother taking two photos at all -- why not just take one photo and shift the data, eliminating alignment issues between the two data sets, then do the HDR processing before generating the JPEG at all?
Search me, so I got out the camera, changed from RAW to jpg (L) and tried setting and using it.
The Controls available (on D7100, in Shooting Menu, under HDR) are:
HDR: Off, On (single photo), On (series), then under that is,
HDR Strength: Auto, Extra High, High, Normal, Low
In use, it does sound like a slow single exposure is taken, without the intermediate mirror movements of continuous shooting (which is disabled if it is on). I cannot say I could hear even two shutter curtain movements, so if it is 'taking' more than one exposure, it is doing that via electronic means in the sensor.
UPDATE: see post 31+32 below; it does appear to be two mechanical shutter activations.
I was testing shooting in to a dingy corner with a bright LED in, not out side in daylight, mentioned FWIW, I was using manual exposure.
Doesn't answer your question, but fills some gaps in my knowledge.