Originally Posted by
Jeff Blakemore
Hi Izzie! So, you asked for some suggestions earlier and I do have a couple.
First, I really like the new conversion on the bridge. The dark road at the bottom helps put the weight at the bottom of the composition and allows the lighter tones moving toward the top to not fly away. The only suggestion I have for this one that I didn't see, but you alluded to, was that it needs a bit of straightening. This can be very frustrating sometimes if attempting manually because pulling or pushing one area may have a negative effect on another. ACR has a great little area in the "lens corrections" section. Choose the "manual" tab. It says "manual" but it's more automated that it lets on. In that tab you can click the "A" to attempt a fully automated straightening. If that makes it go wonky, which it very well may, you can readjust from there with the sliders. You can also attempt a vertical or horizontal automated alignment separately. With this shot, a vertical alignment may be best. Even so, if it's not perfect you can still fine-tune with the sliders. Once you have it aligned like you want, you may want to reduce the scale a bit so that any edges that it threw off the canvas shrink back into it. You will lose some of your overall pixel count, but that's better than an interpolated image IMO. Sometimes, if I think I'm losing too many pixels, I'll start cloning the edges back in when I open it in PS.