This is the first praying mantis I have found in my garden in well over a year. I remember when I was younger I would find them almost on a daily basis if I looked for them, now however it has become more and more difficult. There might be some completely natural explanation that I am not aware of but I am guessing the underlying cause is climate change. Here in South Africa we are still going through a pretty severe drought with temperatures going well over 30 degrees C daily. So for me this little guy became a bit of a survival story and when I found him this morning it turned a pretty bad start to a day into a day of hope and perseverance. I really hope the number of mantids recovers because they are one of my favourite insects to shoot. They have so much character and personality, I could spend hours with them.
Macro Dec 9-3 by Tobias Weber, on Flickr
Macro Dec 9-2 by Tobias Weber, on Flickr
Macro Dec 9-1 by Tobias Weber, on Flickr