Sorry to interrupt, but Windows 7 Home can handle quote more than only 16GB, it's a hardware Limitation because of your Mainboard, for instance, their is only one MB which can handle 64GB RAM. Mostly are limited of 16GB due Chipset/CPU Limitation.
I build my rigs all by myself since i am 12, a complete bad, it doesnt matter which brand, or if you've spent 500 or 5000 bucks for it, some part, component is always crap, in terms of bad bios, too little options, too less expansion slots, PCIe slots, cheap memory, slow HDDs, slow graphics card, bad build quality in terms of design, cheap towers, and so on...etc.
It's always cheaper to build a good PC by your own, comparing prices for all components, and choose them carefully, always a good one or best into a specific price range. It's the same with pre-installed PCs, the windows there usually is for the trashcan,
bloated, dozens of tools nobody needs or wants, 100's of trial versions of this & that, and so's always the same.
When you do have Windows 10, please use O&O ShutUp (Freeware Tool) to disable most of the concerning phone home and other data like telemetry, etc. whats being sent to M$. Freeware, no install, no nags, no crap at all.
I still go with my Win7 as my CS6 Launchbox.
Anyway, current PS-Plugins do need some CPU & GPU Power, for instance, the Nik Plugins Suite, it was way fast ages ago onto my self-build rig when it was new...and now it's hella slow onto my old Quadcore Setup, therefore
i'd assemblage myself a new PC into 2016, because i can't bear the long waiting times for this & that anymore, and i upgraded my PC twice since i've had built it.
If you don't play any video games like myself, 16 GB RAM is plenty for Photoshop, even for the biggest projects. I've never encountered an "out-of-memory" error, and i've had big TIF files with dozens processing steps history into CS6 opened.