There is snow on our local mountains alas none in the city but wonderful to see on the mountains!
I would like to check out how my post processing skills are coming along, and would be appreciative of some feedback, and to know which is preferred the original jpeg or the image I processed from raw. This particular viewpoint is a little awkward but I have some other snowy peaks that I intend to work on (and will share later) but before I do so I thought it might be good for me to receive some input.
It's interesting that the sooc jpeg is quite high key (a type of image I'm fond of), yet I processed the raw file differently to bring out the details and raise the black point. When I looked at the jpeg after processing the raw image it came to my mind that perhaps I'm adding more contrast because I think it's what correct, and that I prefer the jpeg and/or an in between version. ie; perhaps I've pushed the post processing too, far?
f/8 SS 1/80 ISO 100 focal length 300 mm
1. SOOC Jpeg - sharpened for downsizing (.3 radius at 100)
2. Processed from raw = sharpened for downsizing (.3 radius at 100)
Aside... I've been playing with the various WB functions on my camera and for that reason shooting raw and jpeg. For this particular scene taken ~ 1/2 hour before sunset I set the WB off of the white snow for a true white balance. I'm curious as to whether there is any reason/advantage to set one's WB this way, assuming the image is to be processed from raw?
Thank you.