I also adore this version, beautifully artistic as always. I love the warm tones throughout and the detail/texture seen in the foreground rocks and water.
I suspect that the horizon is a wee bit crooked (could be my eyes). If it were my image I'd crop the sky to just below the bright white cloud because it draws my eye up and keeps it on the sky, instead of to the horizon, ocean, rocks and lighthouse.
Alright Matt, I'm tired of trying to replicate your colors behind the scenes...
are you using anything except PS?
Beautiful image Matt I agree with Christina about the blown out part in the sky. But cropping the sky might effect the composition negatively. May be changing the color of it with some cloning?
BTW the sky seems like a long exposure but the rest of the image doesn't. Is this a composite ?
Love it Matt.
I would also support losing some sky to emphasise the wonderful foreground.
This is a wonderful photo, Matt. Well done
Matt, this version really rocks. (No pun intended.)
Thanks for the comments everyone, it makes it worth the pain and frustration!
Lovely image and well worth the perseverance. I wouldn't take much off the sky, as I think the colour balances the foreground. I would try and lessen the impact of the lighthouse light though - marginally too bright maybe ?
I absolutely love this image and what you have done with, outstanding PP work and something I hope to be able to do.......someday.