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Thread: Brighton Pier

  1. #1
    Kaye Leggett's Avatar
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    Brighton Pier

    Another of our English Piers - this one is all bling and a bit representative of the Victorian tackiness that still resides in some of our seaside resorts. Nice and St Tropez it is not !

    It was a dull day on our visit, so we planned to be there at dusk to provide some opportunities for interesting photography. I've also had a bit of fun in the processing....for which C&C appreciated

    An 'Old' view of the pier

    Brighton Pier

    Brighton Rock (except if you look closely, there isn't any)

    Brighton Pier

    The Menu

    Brighton Pier

    The Menu (2)

    Brighton Pier

    The Bling

    Brighton Pier

  2. #2

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    Re: Brighton Pier

    The first two would make very nice note cards! Consider making the border around the second one dark brown rather than black.

  3. #3

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    Re: Brighton Pier


    My parents preferred quieter resorts like Broadstairs (in the 50's) so the only time I've been to Brighton was from the USA with my Wife to visit my Son in the 90's.

  4. #4

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    Re: Brighton Pier

    I am rarely a fan of vignette style editing, Kaye, and the first image isn't really working for me in this style; although the actual scene looks good.

    Maybe better in sepia but only if those 'incorrectly dressed' people were removed. Or possibly do a firm edged oval main centre to the photo; perhaps with a darker edging? I'm not really sure what to do with it, other than a conventional scene.

    #2 has something of a 'reality gap' for me. Nothing wrong with the shot but sepia colouring with the prices in decimal currency!

    Excellent idea for 'The Menu' but I'm not keen on all those overexposure bright spots. Too much to clone out I suppose.

    Menu #2 is perfect all round.

    The last one is a good shot but is there a little too much beach in the foreground? Possibly crop to a slightly narrower format?

  5. #5

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    Re: Brighton Pier


    Erm I new here...

    So on the one hand, it's not right of me to want input on my photos without taking the time to admire and comment on others, but equally, I'm new here, so I don't wanna step on any toes and over step the mark...


    Really nice set, I especially like that each one is very different in scene and you've clearly got a good range of vision (of scenes and moods) at your disposal (sorry if I'm addressing the most experienced/respected photog here and that should be obvious, seriously I'm new)

    #1 (as someone said above) I'm PERSONALLY I'm not a fan of a vignette, but that really works, adds a Victorian sense to the shot, I might be tempted to try a darker one though, it might not work at all and perhaps you tried already and preferred it as you've presented it?

    #2 Good to go that IMO, and what I really like is the price... at first glance it could be an old shot, but the price ties it too today and suggests some things change, but many things don't, namely Mmmmm sweets!

    #3 Fish and Chips, I might be tempted to flip it (make the condiment bottles on the left), and crop a bit out of what (is currently) the r/h side.. and for my tastes, I might have wanted slightly less DOF. Now if you were working to a brief, and that brief was, it's for a menu, please leave enough room for text to the left, then perfect, but as a shot (I'm sorry I don't want to sound harsh) it's got enough DOF to contextualise it, but (IMO) not enough 'bokeh' / specular highlights (is that the right term?) to tie up quite that much real estate and captivate the viewers attention

    #4 Bang on that! It could've looked flat, but the signage stands out nicely, the colours don't distract from one another and the shadow running off the frame adds to the 3D

    #5 I think someone above advised to lose some of the beach? IMO don't! I think you'd sacrifice too much pier or make a widescreen shot, and IMO the viewers eye is 'done' by the time it gets that far down the page, and although it's obvious it's a pier (!) the beach adds context.

    Well my first CiC critique!! I'll get my coat!

    and yes - if you look at my shots you're going to think, well he talks a big game, but can't practice what he preaches!!! So much easier when it's not your work


  6. #6
    Kaye Leggett's Avatar
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    Re: Brighton Pier

    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Buckley View Post
    The first two would make very nice note cards! Consider making the border around the second one dark brown rather than black.
    Thanks Mike. Good suggestion for no 2 - I just need to find how to do it, so far I've found black, white or grey. Anyone know ? I'd also love to know how to make a bevelled frame, because I think this too would be an improvement

  7. #7
    Kaye Leggett's Avatar
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    Re: Brighton Pier

    Quote Originally Posted by xpatUSA View Post

    My parents preferred quieter resorts like Broadstairs (in the 50's) so the only time I've been to Brighton was from the USA with my Wife to visit my Son in the 90's.
    Thanks Ted. I doubt it's changed much - still very eclectic and 'alternative', although alternative is more mainstream these days

  8. #8
    Kaye Leggett's Avatar
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    Re: Brighton Pier

    Quote Originally Posted by Geoff F View Post
    I am rarely a fan of vignette style editing, Kaye, and the first image isn't really working for me in this style; although the actual scene looks good.

    Maybe better in sepia but only if those 'incorrectly dressed' people were removed. Or possibly do a firm edged oval main centre to the photo; perhaps with a darker edging? I'm not really sure what to do with it, other than a conventional scene.

    #2 has something of a 'reality gap' for me. Nothing wrong with the shot but sepia colouring with the prices in decimal currency!

    Excellent idea for 'The Menu' but I'm not keen on all those overexposure bright spots. Too much to clone out I suppose.

    Menu #2 is perfect all round.

    The last one is a good shot but is there a little too much beach in the foreground? Possibly crop to a slightly narrower format?
    Thanks Geoff for comments - helpful and incisive as ever

    I knew the vignetting would split opinion. Yes, I need to explore the sepia angle - again more know how required.

    And the bright spots - another one to split opinion. On this occasion I think they do add to the scene - it was bright and blousy and I think would be flat without

  9. #9
    Kaye Leggett's Avatar
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    Re: Brighton Pier

    Quote Originally Posted by Adzman808 View Post

    Erm I new here...

    So on the one hand, it's not right of me to want input on my photos without taking the time to admire and comment on others, but equally, I'm new here, so I don't wanna step on any toes and over step the mark...


    Really nice set, I especially like that each one is very different in scene and you've clearly got a good range of vision (of scenes and moods) at your disposal (sorry if I'm addressing the most experienced/respected photog here and that should be obvious, seriously I'm new)

    #1 (as someone said above) I'm PERSONALLY I'm not a fan of a vignette, but that really works, adds a Victorian sense to the shot, I might be tempted to try a darker one though, it might not work at all and perhaps you tried already and preferred it as you've presented it?

    #2 Good to go that IMO, and what I really like is the price... at first glance it could be an old shot, but the price ties it too today and suggests some things change, but many things don't, namely Mmmmm sweets!

    #3 Fish and Chips, I might be tempted to flip it (make the condiment bottles on the left), and crop a bit out of what (is currently) the r/h side.. and for my tastes, I might have wanted slightly less DOF. Now if you were working to a brief, and that brief was, it's for a menu, please leave enough room for text to the left, then perfect, but as a shot (I'm sorry I don't want to sound harsh) it's got enough DOF to contextualise it, but (IMO) not enough 'bokeh' / specular highlights (is that the right term?) to tie up quite that much real estate and captivate the viewers attention

    #4 Bang on that! It could've looked flat, but the signage stands out nicely, the colours don't distract from one another and the shadow running off the frame adds to the 3D

    #5 I think someone above advised to lose some of the beach? IMO don't! I think you'd sacrifice too much pier or make a widescreen shot, and IMO the viewers eye is 'done' by the time it gets that far down the page, and although it's obvious it's a pier (!) the beach adds context.

    Well my first CiC critique!! I'll get my coat!

    and yes - if you look at my shots you're going to think, well he talks a big game, but can't practice what he preaches!!! So much easier when it's not your work

    Thanks Adam. Fret not - I am not one of the experts. Welcome to CiC and thanks for the feedback, particularly the thought on the Menu, it's sparked another idea.................

  10. #10
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    Re: Brighton Pier

    Quote Originally Posted by Adzman808 View Post
    Well my first CiC critique!! I'll get my coat!
    Wonderful. Keep it going. Saying - 'Wow'; 'Really nice'; 'I like it' is maybe good for the soul (of the photographer), but nobody learns anything. You've tried to think about what you're seeing and offer comment about your opinions. Good on you

    Quote Originally Posted by Adzman808 View Post
    ... and yes - if you look at my shots you're going to think, well he talks a big game, but can't practice what he preaches!!! So much easier when it's not your work
    That's why it's good to develop your critical awareness and ability to put your thoughts into words. You're going to be learning so much that will improve your own photography. If we stop asking 'Why does something work?' or, 'Why does it not work?' and develop the skill to describe that, then we're not going to improve.

  11. #11

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    Re: Brighton Pier

    For those who believe sepia toning should only be used with an image displaying timeless or old subjects, consider that virtually every single style of photography is being made of contemporary subjects by photographers today. That includes photographers today using the Daguerreotype, calotype, cyanotype, glass plate negative, albumen print and tintype processes among other processes invented in the 19th century. As an example, a photographer made a series of tintypes of film stars at a recent Sundance Film Festival in portrait styles that were not at all the style 19th century photographers used when making tintypes. There also seems to be an increasing interest in using post-processing techniques that emulate the 19th century processes when the subjects are modern.

  12. #12

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    Re: Brighton Pier

    Quote Originally Posted by Kaye Leggett View Post
    I just need to find how to do it [use other colors], so far I've found black, white or grey. Anyone know ? I'd also love to know how to make a bevelled frame, because I think this too would be an improvement
    If you start a new thread explaining what you want to do and the software you are using, I'm confident you'll get plenty of attention about how to do that.

  13. #13

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    Re: Brighton Pier

    Hi Kaye I love this set. I like the vignette in #1 but I find it too intense and strong, IMO it might be useful to try adjusting the sliders a bit . I absolutely love the bokeh in #3, I'm not very keen on the 'fish and cips' writing though and I would clone it unless you want to keep it as a story telling element in the image. I think that's all from me as it is already a good set.

  14. #14
    Brownbear's Avatar
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    Re: Brighton Pier

    Hi Kaye,

    Just to say I love Brighton Rock and Menu(2). This set is beautifully creative and a pleasure to view.

    I also find the vignette in #1 a tad strong. I like menu #1 (minus the fish and chips lettering) for the creative viewpoint, and the bokeh.

    My favourites are Brighton Rock (whimsical and beautiful) and The Menu (2) (for the gorgeous colours, light and detail, and also for the reflections seen on the roof). The latter I might crop off of the side just to the pole to eliminate the other pole seen in the background.
    Last edited by Brownbear; 22nd December 2015 at 12:44 AM. Reason: add on explanation

  15. #15
    Rebel's Avatar
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    Re: Brighton Pier

    I think you could of done so much better here Kate, sorry I sound like an arsehole

  16. #16
    mknittle's Avatar
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    Re: Brighton Pier

    Kaye,I like #1 best followed closely by#2 because of there old tyme feel.#5woule be nicer if it weren't for the darnd flare from thr sign in the building.

  17. #17
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Brighton Pier

    Looks quite interesting to me, I think I saw this location in a recent movie. Nice captures.

  18. #18
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    Re: Brighton Pier

    Quote Originally Posted by Rebel View Post
    I think you could of done so much better here Kate, sorry I sound like an arsehole
    That reminds me of the time I accidentally brushed my teeth with Preparation H. I talked like an arse all day but at least my gums didn't itch
    Last edited by mknittle; 22nd December 2015 at 02:52 AM.

  19. #19
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    Re: Brighton Pier

    Quote Originally Posted by mknittle View Post
    That reminds me of the time I accidentally brushed my teeth with Preparation H. I talked like an arse all day but at least my gums didn't itch

  20. #20
    Kaye Leggett's Avatar
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    Re: Brighton Pier

    Thanks for continued comments - will look again at these.

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