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DOF depends on the following:
1. f/stop
2. distance focused on
3. circle of confusion
4. focal length
In the case of the two formats: 1.6x crop and full frame each shooting at the same f/stop using the same 90mm lens and achieving a 1:1 image ratio the following are variables:
1. f/stop: each image is shot with the same f/stop
2. distance focused on: the same for both images since the distance variable depends on the image ratio in this case, the focused distance for a 1:1 image with the 90mm Tamron f/2.8 macro lens would be .96 feet or .29 meters. The area covered with the full frame camera would be larger than with the crop sensor camera but, the subject within the image would be identical size
3. circle of confusion: in this case, the circle of confusion is not a variable since the subject size in each image is the same and thus would require the same amount of enlargement, The distance at which we would shoot would depend on the image ratio, not filling the frame with the image
4. focal length: obviously, the same in each image since we are shooting with the same lens
There are no variables in the above formula thus the DOF in each shot would be the same.