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Thread: Marlow Mill at Dusk

  1. #1
    ChrisH's Avatar
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    Christopher Hotton

    Marlow Mill at Dusk

    Another low light image, this time shot from Marlow Bridge looking East towards the Weir.

    Marlow Mill at Dusk

    Canon EOS 6D camera and Canon EF 24-105mm f/4L IS USM lens - f/4.0 1/125 ISO 500

  2. #2
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Marlow Mill at Dusk

    Hi Christopher,

    Do you do any enhancements to your images? The blues in the water seem a bit off, sort of metallic blue. Nice use of lines and shape.

  3. #3
    DanK's Avatar
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    Re: Marlow Mill at Dusk

    I agree with John. A nice image, but the water in the stream looks unnaturally blue. I tried playing with the white balance, but an adjustment that makes it seem more natural is way too far to the yellow end. Did it have this cast when you were there?

  4. #4
    ChrisH's Avatar
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    Re: Marlow Mill at Dusk

    Hi John

    I have not enhanced the image to any great degree. I had not noticed the blue cast to the down stream river, which I guess is due to the acceleration of the river over the weir producing white surface foam.

    You can see how still the up stream river is on the far left of the image above the weir, which is quite still. I have tried to remove the cast on the image below.

    Marlow Mill at Dusk

  5. #5
    Wavelength's Avatar
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    Re: Marlow Mill at Dusk

    Very nice image

  6. #6

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    Re: Marlow Mill at Dusk

    It can be more appreciated if it is viewed in lightbox. Very nice image and I find the second version better

  7. #7
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Marlow Mill at Dusk

    Quote Originally Posted by ChrisH View Post
    Hi John

    I have not enhanced the image to any great degree. I had not noticed the blue cast to the down stream river, which I guess is due to the acceleration of the river over the weir producing white surface foam.

    You can see how still the up stream river is on the far left of the image above the weir, which is quite still. I have tried to remove the cast on the image below.

    Marlow Mill at Dusk

    Does look better, I wonder if it's just an effect of having a muted blue so close to the foreground?

  8. #8
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Marlow Mill at Dusk

    Hi Chris,

    I see you use PS CC to edit, I wonder whether you might want to check that you have the CA (Chromatic Aberration) correction enabled?

    I'm not sure you have recently; I see some on this image, but there was quite a lot on the LHS of the bridge in this thread.

    (FWIW; I always leave it enabled)

    I haven't been up your way for quite a while now, must get back sometime.

    HTH, Dave

  9. #9
    ChrisH's Avatar
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    Re: Marlow Mill at Dusk

    Hi Dave

    Thanks for your comments.

    The Chromatic Aberration setting on my 6D is ON by default although I think this is only effective when shooting in Jpg - I shoot in RAW.

    I can't see any problem areas with the original files and wonder whether any CA has occurred with the download of the files to CIC?

    When CA has occurred in the past I have used the Lens Correction edit in Camera Raw.



    PS Marlow is particularly good at the moment, especially after 3pm on a sunny day.

  10. #10
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Marlow Mill at Dusk

    Quote Originally Posted by ChrisH View Post
    The Chromatic Aberration setting on my 6D is ON by default although I think this is only effective when shooting in Jpg - I shoot in RAW.
    Indeed it is, so whatever the camera setting is, it is irrelevant if shooting RAW.

    Quote Originally Posted by ChrisH View Post
    I can't see any problem areas with the original files and wonder whether any CA has occurred with the download of the files to CIC?
    I'm afraid there is a problem (sorry, I am becoming a bit of a 'CA junkie' recently.
    In your other thread, it is especially visible as the red/cyan-green fringes on the opposite edges of the white painted metalwork of the suspension bridge at the edges of frame left and right.

    Anyone wanting to know more could scroll down to section 3 in this Lens Corrections tutorial, it may help them identify Lateral CA more easily by knowing what to look for - and where (in the frame) to look for it. Additionally, it is more easily seen with certain things in the picture.

    CA cannot occur as part of an upload/download process.

    Quote Originally Posted by ChrisH View Post
    When CA has occurred in the past I have used the Lens Correction edit in Camera Raw.
    I just leave the CA lens correction on permanently (in ACR); any lens is almost certain to exhibit some CA, so it may as well be dealt with, saves a job having to check for it. I am currently unaware of any downside to this course of action.

    Quote Originally Posted by ChrisH View Post
    PS Marlow is particularly good at the moment, especially after 3pm on a sunny day.
    Ah, you mean like this afternoon was - well, by the time I read this (earlier), I didn't have time to reach Marlow until, say 15:45, quite close to sun down.
    I did have an invigorating 5 mile walk around Windsor though.

  11. #11
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: Marlow Mill at Dusk

    Why is it that this image make me think you should have moved more to the right instead, that there is more to this image than what you have already shown, or in short...perhaps a limitation, you should have shot this on the right side instead, could you have a nicer framing of the trees and the building? Just thinking out loud...

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