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Thread: Project 52 Challenge - Any Volunteers for 2016?

  1. #1

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    Project 52 Challenge - Any Volunteers for 2016?

    As there are now some new members at CinC, I will mention this challenge; which is often attempted but rarely completed.

    Although a few members have roughly kept up with the spirit of the project but in a more informal way.

    The simple idea is to post at least one image per week for a whole year. Much easier than the really arduous Photo A Day which some keen photographers attempt, but it can still amount to a bit of a struggle at times.

    Full details in this thread.

    2015 Project 52 - Guidelines, FAQ and Index

    You choose any subject which can be quite loosely formulated or more strictly self controlled. A specific topic, experiments in improving your photographic capabilities, or just scenes which you encounter over the past week. Your choice of subjects is totally up to you.

    And it doesn't really matter if you have to miss the occasional week then post twice in the following week. There aren't any strict rules.

    For example. Previously, I have simply posted something along the lines of a photographic diary showing the places, events and people/animals which I encountered during the past week. Although for 2015 I specifically made an effort to improve my botanical photography using subjects which were photographed, quite literally, 'in the field' and all from the same woodland site.

    So is anybody brave enough (or stupid enough) to attempt this challenge for the whole of 2016.

    ps. To give some idea of what is required, here are links to my attempts for 2015.

    Project 52 - 1st Quarter by Geoff F

    And . . .

    My Weekly Photos during 2015 - Part 1
    Last edited by Geoff F; 28th December 2015 at 08:15 PM.

  2. #2

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    Re: Project 52 Challenge - Any Volunteers for 2016?

    This might be just what I'm looking for this year...

    This year, I tried my first 365 and it's been hard going and I've failed, well cheated, miserably!

    Sure there will be 365 shots, sure they will be all shot in 2015, but one a day? Nah more like 4 one day, none for the next 4, also if I'm honest there's been no continuity in theme and plenty of erm, um, well filler crap frankly.

    But I wanted to do a different challenge for 2016 one not so based around quantity, so this might be just the ticket...

    Ideas I had (before reading this thread) was document the people where I live (we live in a condominium) but I'm not much into people and it rather hinges on their willing participantion.... Another idea I had was to try and make an image that was also the title of the song, ideally a song I like a lot, then keep that going because I Like a lot of songs!

    But one shot a week is perhaps the right balance... Perhaps

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    Re: Project 52 Challenge - Any Volunteers for 2016?

    Quote Originally Posted by Adzman808 View Post
    Ideas I had (before reading this thread) was document the people where I live (we live in a condominium) but I'm not much into people and it rather hinges on their willing participantion...
    To circumvent this inconvenience street photography was invented. Might be worth a shot.

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    Re: Project 52 Challenge - Any Volunteers for 2016?

    Quote Originally Posted by dem View Post
    To circumvent this inconvenience street photography was invented. Might be worth a shot.
    Maybe... Good suggestion for sure

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    robertmpoole's Avatar
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    Re: Project 52 Challenge - Any Volunteers for 2016?

    Quote Originally Posted by Adzman808 View Post
    Maybe... Good suggestion for sure
    And you got a street photography book for Christmas so maybe you should!

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    Re: Project 52 Challenge - Any Volunteers for 2016?

    I just feel intrusive taking people's pictures... the other day someone rather rudely started taking shots of my 3 year old girl on a swinging chair, I glared them away, and they came back straight away with their iPhone.

    I say rudely because not only is it inappropriate (to photograph a child without consent or any dialogue about what the picture might be used for), but they practically pushed me out of the way to get their shot, and I was pushing the swing at the time...

    I don't wanna be that guy (well it was a woman actually) and being subtle about it doesn't really change anything IMO, except that you'll get away with it

    Also RE documenting the people where I live might be a bit dicey.... I mean not everyone likes being photographed, and I live here, so not the place to do it methinks... Plus of course on the off chance that anyone ever wants one of these pictures (which I accept is a low-low likelihood, but I did get a picture published this year because a magazine approached me to use it) there's all sorts of model release rights etc that I just don't have to deal with the implication of with my beach shots etc!

    Finally, factor in that I'm talking about out Portugal home, and I have no clue about the law here, nor do I speak Portuguese, I think as nice as an idea as 'local street' is, it might be a bit of recipe for a polemic...

    I would like to try some street.... but maybe in town, where it's more 'fair game' than a residential area

    Also I'm not convinced that I should embark on a 12 month project around a genre that I'm not comfortable with, it could easily fail...

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    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: Project 52 Challenge - Any Volunteers for 2016?

    Quote Originally Posted by robertmpoole View Post
    And you got a street photography book for Christmas so maybe you should!
    I guess I could wait for a jogger to pass by my street or someone walking their dog each day...that will still be considered 'street photography' because it was taken on a street?

    Btw, Geoff, I am in -- like last year though I almost chickened out ... so if I have nothing to contribute, I can just take a shot of my foot with my mouth in it. Really... !!! Yep, OK I am in...I'll get use to will be fun to see what will be in my book for 2016...
    Last edited by IzzieK; 29th December 2015 at 10:49 AM.

  8. #8
    robertmpoole's Avatar
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    Re: Project 52 Challenge - Any Volunteers for 2016?

    Quote Originally Posted by IzzieK View Post
    I guess I could wait for a jogger to pass by my street or someone walking their dog each day...that will still be considered 'street photography' because it was taken on a street?

    Btw, Geoff, I am in -- like last year though I almost chickened out ... so if I have nothing to contribute, I can just take a shot of my foot with my mouth in it. Really...Project 52 Challenge - Any Volunteers for 2016? !!! Yep, OK I am in...I'll get use to will be fun to see what will be in my book for 2016...
    My favourite definition of street photography is: "the human condition within public places." I like to think of it as wildlife photography for the human animal.

  9. #9
    robertmpoole's Avatar
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    Re: Project 52 Challenge - Any Volunteers for 2016?

    Quote Originally Posted by Adzman808 View Post
    I just feel intrusive taking people's pictures... the other day someone rather rudely started taking shots of my 3 year old girl on a swinging chair, I glared them away, and they came back straight away with their iPhone.

    I say rudely because not only is it inappropriate (to photograph a child without consent or any dialogue about what the picture might be used for), but they practically pushed me out of the way to get their shot, and I was pushing the swing at the time...

    I don't wanna be that guy (well it was a woman actually) and being subtle about it doesn't really change anything IMO, except that you'll get away with it

    Also RE documenting the people where I live might be a bit dicey.... I mean not everyone likes being photographed, and I live here, so not the place to do it methinks... Plus of course on the off chance that anyone ever wants one of these pictures (which I accept is a low-low likelihood, but I did get a picture published this year because a magazine approached me to use it) there's all sorts of model release rights etc that I just don't have to deal with the implication of with my beach shots etc!

    Finally, factor in that I'm talking about out Portugal home, and I have no clue about the law here, nor do I speak Portuguese, I think as nice as an idea as 'local street' is, it might be a bit of recipe for a polemic...

    I would like to try some street.... but maybe in town, where it's more 'fair game' than a residential area

    Also I'm not convinced that I should embark on a 12 month project around a genre that I'm not comfortable with, it could easily fail...
    I like the idea of photographing everyone in your condo but you've got to consider logistics etc I guess. You can get business cards with model releases on or even mobile apps apparently. Street photography can be difficult I find starting in public places where people expect cameras the easiest. A lot of your photography could easily be 'street' with just the addition of a person, I'm thinking the one with the reflection in the puddle.

    Maybe a more reportage format would be better for you, I'm considering something like "workers" so rather than just people on the street people engaged in their work. A 52 project sounds good but I think I'd struggle with a themed one...

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    Re: Project 52 Challenge - Any Volunteers for 2016?

    Previously on CinC . . . we did have a Photo A Day for just a month, and even that became a struggle at times; particularly during bad weather etc. So I made sure I always had a few ideas in reserve for difficult days.

    This was my effort from that challenge - and you can easily see that I was getting stumped for ideas on occasions.

    So any brave participants in the Project 52 (2016) Challenge will be welcome.

  11. #11
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Project 52 Challenge - Any Volunteers for 2016?

    Hi Geoff,

    I think you must take the credit for being the most dedicated Project 52'er in 2015 - well done.

    I have now amended the Index with links to all four Quarters of the Botanical theme and all four Parts of your My Weekly Photos series.


    I'm not sure if anyone else made it to the second quarter, but if you did, let me know - ideally with a link and I'll do the same for them.

    I managed just 16 weeks in 2012, then never even started in 2015, despite some waffle to the effect that I might

    Thanks, Dave

  12. #12
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    Re: Project 52 Challenge - Any Volunteers for 2016?

    Quote Originally Posted by robertmpoole View Post
    My favourite definition of street photography is: "the human condition within public places." I like to think of it as wildlife photography for the human animal.
    Interesting thought ... I prefer to sometimes not think before speaking because I'd like to be surprised as everyone else at what comes out of my mouth...hehehehe

  13. #13
    purplehaze's Avatar
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    Re: Project 52 Challenge - Any Volunteers for 2016?

    I'm in, Geoff. I know I fell off the wagon somewhere in the second quarter this year, and off the map this fall, but it is useful to set oneself some goals. And one is so full of good intentions at the start of the new year, why not take advantage of that impetus at least to learn something new?

    And yes, Dave, I did make it into the second quarter, at least part way. The thread is here.

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    Re: Project 52 Challenge - Any Volunteers for 2016?

    Certainly worth having a go even if you don't manage to stay the full distance.

    You can join in some time later or finish early without any penalty!

    It is just meant to be a bit of fun; as well as possibly being an extra spur for anybody who is looking for a bit of an extra challenge. And maybe this could be one of your easier New Year Resolutions!

    I'm about to start my first 2016 uploads, so at least I'm beginning by being up to date.

  15. #15
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Project 52 Challenge - Any Volunteers for 2016?

    Quote Originally Posted by purplehaze View Post
    And yes, Dave, I did make it into the second quarter, at least part way. The thread is here.
    Added to last year's Index, thanks for the link Janis.

    I see Adam has started his 2016 P52 thread, so I'll create an Index for 2016 tonight.

    Cheers, Dave
    Last edited by Dave Humphries; 30th December 2015 at 08:23 PM.

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    Re: Project 52 Challenge - Any Volunteers for 2016?

    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Humphries View Post
    Added to last year's Index, thanks for the link Janis.

    I see Adam has started his 2016 P52 thread, so I'll create an Index for 2016 tonight.

    Cheers, Dave
    Thanks Dave, I'm looking forward to the challenge and seeing what everybody produces this year.

  17. #17
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Project 52 Challenge - Any Volunteers for 2016?

    The 2016 thread is now created:

    2016 Project 52 - Guidelines, FAQ and Index

    Two starters so far.

    Cheers, Dave
    Last edited by Dave Humphries; 30th December 2015 at 09:37 PM.

  18. #18
    SamRothstein's Avatar
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    Re: Project 52 Challenge - Any Volunteers for 2016?

    Count me in. I've been wanting to do one of these projects, and think the "365" projects are way overly ambitious for me. I'm sure I average one shot a week. Can I include shots I'm still processing from a mid-December trip?

  19. #19

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    Re: Project 52 Challenge - Any Volunteers for 2016?

    Well, let's put it this way, Sam. The start date has been slightly back dated to cover the Christmas/New Year's Eve 2015 period so I wouldn't expect anyone to complain if you pushed that date back one extra week for your starting images. Just so long as you get up to date with your second week's postings.

    After all, this is supposed to be a personal challenge not a competition.

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