More details of the Project 52 Challenge are here
2016 Project 52 - Guidelines, FAQ and Index
Anybody can start their own thread and you can even join in at a later date.
My images will show something of the area where I live including landscapes, people and events.
As an added challenge this year, each photo will include a person or an animal somewhere within the overall scene, but not necessarily obviously spotted.
Week 01. Aveton Gifford Scenes. On the way to photograph birds from a birdhide I saw a few other possible images.
Low Water in the estuary.
7D with Sigma 150-600 lens (at 180 mm) 1/1000 F11 Iso 400. The first time I have tried any long distance landscape type scenes with this big lens.
Ideal transport for the Tidal Road.
1/640 F11 Iso 1250. Set up for bird photography when I saw this possible long distance shot so I just had to go with what I had. Handheld. Just about OK but not quite as sharp as I would have ideally liked.
And the real reason for me being there. 'Don't you point that thing at me!'
1/1600 F11 Iso 1250. I love this 'facial expression'.