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Thread: Library Purchase

  1. #1
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Library Purchase

    I didn't receive a User Manual with the 5D Mark II that I recently purchased used. However, I am so used to the controls on Canon DSLR cameras that the lack of a User Manual didn't bother me at all. If I desired, I could have downloaded the appropriate User Guide from the Canon site in PDF format and printed out the specific parts of the manual that were not applicable to my other Canon DSLR cameras.

    However, I visited my local public library recently when they had a sale of used books and found the David Busch's Canon EOS5D Mark II Guide to Digital SLR Photography on sale for one U.S. Dollar and snapped it up.

    I have the David Busch's Compact Field Guide to the Canon 7D and if I were to purchase a new guide, this is the one that I would prefer. It is smaller in size, cheaper in price (when purchased new) and its content pertains only to the operation of the camera. The book I purchased from the library pertains to the 5DII as well as a lot of general photography instruction that I don't feel that I need.

    However for a single dollar, I can't complain...

  2. #2
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Library Purchase

    Good find. I have my older D60 manual around somewhere but couldn't find it; so downloaded from website. Had a recent problem where the camera wouldn't autofocus, Only clue was a strange code which would appear in the viewfinder which turned out to be misleading. Went to the Nikonian website and they steered me to a particular page in the manual and problem disappeared. Those pages do come in handy sometimes.

  3. #3

    Join Date
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    Barry Doig

    Re: Library Purchase

    I have two of David Bush's Guides for my 2 Nikons, and believe me they are excellent. You got a real bargain. If my eyes don't deceive me I gather you are rather fond of dogs. Stunning images.
    Barry from Down Under

  4. #4
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Library Purchase


    Yes, we are fond of dogs to say the least. We work with Maltese Rescue California of which my wife is vice president. Our organization saved 225 dogs in 2015. I don't know just how many came through our home but, I am sure it was well in excess of 100 or so!

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