Hey everyone at Cambridge in Color, my name is Brenda and I’ll be honest, I have been stalking your site (and a couple of other ones..all through tapatalk) for the last couple of weeks trying to find where I might fit in the best for my New Year’s resolution; to join a photography forum. After all of the looking around I was hoping that this site will be the one, I was an avid photographer until about 3 years ago and I let myself fall behind; I really began to hate editing after a 3 month road trip across the United States and taking too many photos of practically nothing, I definitely didn’t find the time to take pictures or be involved with a forum after the fact. Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE photography, I love my camera too but I started working on other adventures such as woodworking and refinishing furniture (after moving to my new residence) hoping that I would take all types of before and after photos to prove that my camera still existed, I kept kicking myself in the ass (& only getting results from the furniture); here I am with this awesome set up and a great place to shoot what I love (wildlife/landscape) but I found myself just not motivated enough to take those pictures. I may have liked doing the manual work but there really is no justification on the outcome when it comes to my pictures. My motto was & always will be: “Capturing moments in time, making life stand still.” Furniture was not the still life that I expected, I needed & need more, I want more and now I have all the time in the world to take photos in a pretty & beautiful place (Virginia in case you may be interested) and I feel that there is no better time than now. I hope that you will all accept me and push me to do the best that I can; I’d really love to commit to the 52 week challenge and some work in between there if I can. I really hope that I have made the right decision in joining all of you in your quest and hope that we will all mesh together & that you will all accept me. Cheers to everyone and I hope we can all have a great new year!
If anyone is interested in checking out some of my past work my website is: http://www.stickinit.com (An incomplete work in progress...really working on an overhaul though so please help, don't hurt.)