Another two from me, but from the other day.
Portal to Another World by Adam Bonn, on Flickr
"Portal to Another World"
It's getting shots like this that keeps my interest in photography strong
(I DON'Tmean that in a wow what a great image way)
While dozens of passers by go about their thang, clutching shopping bags, dogs on leads and slow coach children, they come across the humble amateur photographer crouching down transfixed by a reflection in a dirty puddle!!!! (Adam's hot tip, even for street - wear waterproof footwear ) The strangest thing is that they don't even pause to see what I'm looking at... it's a portal to another world (did I lay that on a bit thick?)
Premier Picnic Spot by Adam, on Flickr
This nearly got binned... but I decided it had a certain charm of decay, dilapidation and juxtaposition. So I stuck it on flickr where it's been (in context of my follower numbers and being in no groups) surprisingly popular!
I do say so myself, but every time I look at it, it grows on me! Instead of my initial reaction of finding the table too central, I find the leading leg fits the 3rds rule, as does the bit of sky... the square table is a shape repeated in the building and it just somehow seems to tie together...
Or possibly it's just a dull green table, in front of a decaying building!!!?
It's perhaps a lesson on waiting a while to review shots and decide on the keepers!
Updated link to cropped shot that was replaced on Flickr