What is inside a Light Emitting Diode (LED)? Let's have a closer look ...
Nikon D5000 + Nikkor 105mm VR2 Macro: 1/60s f/16 at iso800, on camera flash used.
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What is inside a Light Emitting Diode (LED)? Let's have a closer look ...
Nikon D5000 + Nikkor 105mm VR2 Macro: 1/60s f/16 at iso800, on camera flash used.
Link to view larger at 1269 x 1426 px
Last edited by PopsPhotos; 19th July 2010 at 04:02 AM.
Rick - if a damsel fly can be called cute then that one is. I had a duck once that bowed at the decisive moment. Didn't even notice until I opened up the file some days later.
Colin - lovely birthday gift for your Mum. I do like the light girls with the dark back-ground. I could be picky about the crokked horizon in #2, but it's "Be Kind to Colins" day here.
Rob! Wunderbar, dásamlegt, gwych - take them all, this image is worth a thousand words, but I won't bore you with details.
PS "Blacksheep" is very funny in a bloody sort of way.
James - very subtle use of a certain process that shall go un-named.
Hi Kit,
Thanks for the kind words. I haven't given a copy to my Mum because she always "complains" that there's nowhere to put it! Re: The uneven horizon ... It also gives my daughter a bit of a lean, which I felt was more "candid". Correcting it would have made the shot less formal, so I decided to leave it the way it was.