Nice capture. Looks like you are close to achieving your goal.
Perfect light is beyond my experience but have you considered cloning out or at least dimming the bright yellow window(?) as well as the bright area to the left of it? Sure is a pretty little house.
Nice shot John. It works quite well. I've been playing around with it in Lightbox and I am wondering about your crop as losing some of the sky and foreground can really bring out the house. Granted, that results in a totally different scene, so that might not be what you were going for.
Excellent image; what time of the day is this? what is the source of light?
Hi John Very nice shot. IMO the walking path in the FG distracts , so I would crop most of it.
I really like this. The lighting and mood reminds me of something out of a fairy tale.
Wonderfully done, John.
I like this image, John, except for one feature (but it might be just a matter of personal taste), and that is the sort of magenta tone of the footpath, which I find distracting. Of course, it might be that colour, but the image is improved for me when it has been removed.
Your timing in the morning with the sky brightening but the ground still dark so the street lights cast their light so well is very effective.
It's a great image. I would play around with different crops (maybe even a 3x4 or 4x5 portrait) to see how it changes the feeling of it.