Yes, good point.Originally Posted by William W (I would have liked the time to have chosen an higher ISO to make faster Tv to nail girl at background camera right)
I think generally I underutilize Auto ISO: that's a bad habit.
The EXIF was probably removed when I minimized the image for posting.
For that particular shot it was not as simple as just applying Auto ISO, the shot was pulled at: F/4 @1/34sec @ ISO3200. I selected ISO3200 when I walked in - I should have also opened to F/2, when I walked in - I was in Aperture Priority Mode.
On the x100s, Auto ISO has three parameters (Base ISO / Limit ISO / Trigger Slowest Shutter Speed) and those three sub-menus are neither easy nor quick to access.
I have ISO selection hot-keyed to the "Fn" button; so selecting a particular ISO (including "Auto") is quite quick.
When activated, Auto ISO will jump only in full-stops (i.e. not thirds even though Default ISO and Trigger Shutter Speed can be set in thirds/halves respectively): that's not unliveable but annoying because I do use third stops.
After considering your comments I have set the three AUTO ISO parameters to:
MAX: ISO6400 (the maximum set-able because I capture RAF + JPEG (FINE))
TRIGGER: 1/80th second
I'll select "Auto ISO" for the next few days for any low light candid work.
Then I reset to BASE ISO400 and use it that way for street work, in daylight.
I'll evaluate how it goes.
Thank you, Mike.