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Thread: Fishermen at sunset

  1. #1

    Join Date
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    Neil McAllister

    Fishermen at sunset

    Re-edited this old photo from a few years back, taken in Gordons Bay, Western Cape, the mountain in the distance is Table Mountain in Cape Town.

    Fishermen at sunset

  2. #2
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    re: Fishermen at sunset

    Quote Originally Posted by Neilmac50 View Post
    Re-edited this old photo from a few years back
    Hi Neil,

    Does it need some clockwise rotation to level the sea?

    Might be an optical illusion, but that's the feeling I get.

    Good exposure, colours and composition.

    HTH, Dave

  3. #3
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Fishermen at sunset

    Nice capture of the scene.

  4. #4
    pnodrog's Avatar
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    Re: Fishermen at sunset

    I think the level of the sea is fine. The waves and rocks on the right beyond the fishermen and the rising hills do contribute to an impression that it is slightly off level but I do not think it is. It wasn't until I read Dave's comment that I even worried about it and I am normally reasonably fussy about images appearing level.

    Very good lighting. Cropping a bit off the right (certainly enough to avoid the final little down slope of the hill) would improve the composition for me. Dodging highlights in the breaking waves would enhance it by adding a bit of local contrast. It would need to be very subtle as too much would look unnatural and spoil it.

    The sky and silhouettes certainly work for me.

  5. #5

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    Re: Fishermen at sunset


    The light behind the figures creates a nice contrast that immediately draws my eyes to the them, even though they are small and dark. The framing gives me a sense of scale and allows me to feel the grandeur of nature that was happening at the time.

    I too noticed a tilt, but it's most likely as Paul explained.

    Very nice.


  6. #6
    Dave A's Avatar
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    Re: Fishermen at sunset

    Nice image, love the subtle color of the clouds.


  7. #7
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Fishermen at sunset

    You captured this image at just the right time and from the (IMO) best angle. I hope that you don't mind that I played with your nice image a bit; always remembering that cropping selection is in the eye of the beholder and is seldom right or wrong...

    Besides cropping, I also used NIK Viveza to select the fishermen and the rocks and used shadow control and brightening to give them a bit of 3-D substance while still retaining the silhouette look. I also thought that the image might benefit from a border. In this case, I added a very narrow black outline and a wider white border.

    Fishermen at sunset

    If it were my image, I might consider rotating CW it just a TAD to see if I could make the implied horizon appear a bit more level...

    As an afterthought, I would be somewhat apprehensive to fish from this area. However, in my younger and more courageous years, I probably would not have given the danger a second thought. I have been doused multiple times by the surf.

    BTW: with either cropping, I would be quite proud to have shot this image and might consider it as a wall hanger...
    Last edited by rpcrowe; 7th January 2016 at 04:16 PM.

  8. #8
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Fishermen at sunset

    Quote Originally Posted by rpcrowe View Post
    You captured this image at just the right time and from the (IMO) best angle. I hope that you don't mind that I played with your nice image a bit; always remembering that cropping selection is in the eye of the beholder and is seldom right or wrong...

    Besides cropping, I also used NIK Viveza to select the fishermen and the rocks and used shadow control and brightening to give them a bit of 3-D substance while still retaining the silhouette look. I also thought that the image might benefit from a border. In this case, I added a very narrow black outline and a wider white border.

    Fishermen at sunset

    If it were my image, I might consider rotating CW it just a TAD to see if I could make the implied horizon appear a bit more level...

    As an afterthought, I would be somewhat apprehensive to fish from this area. However, in my younger and more courageous years, I probably would not have given the danger a second thought. I have been doused multiple times by the surf.

    BTW: with either cropping, I would be quite proud to have shot this image and might consider it as a wall hanger...
    For some reason the water looks more animated or as if done by water color in the cropped version, crop looks good but somehow the imagery is different.

  9. #9
    pnodrog's Avatar
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    Re: Fishermen at sunset

    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowman View Post
    For some reason the water looks more animated or as if done by water color in the cropped version, crop looks good but somehow the imagery is different.
    Yes one is a photograph of Gordons Bay with some fisherman the second is a photo of some fisherman at Gordons Bay. Both work but up to the photographer to present it as he sees fit.

    Photo boarder colours need to be chosen carefully. The white boarder is brighter than any tone in the photograph and I think would be better if it was slightly darker. Maybe matching the brightest sparkle in the waves.

    P.S. In Richards version I would be tempted to relocate the lower gull.

  10. #10

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    Re: Fishermen at sunset

    Hi Neil I like the image and IMO Richard's edit improved it.

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