Away in Liverpool tonight and on to Glasgow tomorrow.
Fascinated by reflections, light and glasses in restaraunt at Alma da Cuba.;d=1279579609
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Away in Liverpool tonight and on to Glasgow tomorrow.
Fascinated by reflections, light and glasses in restaraunt at Alma da Cuba.;d=1279579609
With my apologies, yet another fly; I was too busy to be more inventive tonight.
Nikon D5000 + Nikkor 105mm VR2 Macro: 1/60s f/11 at iso800
Click here to see bigger (interesting wing muscles) 1,276px × 1,050px
Hi Grant,
I haven't looked up your clue but I assume it is the Endeavour River in Cooktown.
Thanks Rick,
One of the little "tricks" I use is to quickly flick through some of the earlier frames to see which way the wind is coming from; in this case I was shooting due west, and the wind was coming from exactly the same direction -- which is why I ran back to the car to get my Vari-ND filter and slow the whole exposure right down (10 minutes for the last shot), knowing it would give a very "wide-angle" feel to the shot.
July sunsets are rather rare, because of the lack of cloud activity. In August, we'll get the thunderclouds showing up again and things get easier.
A small Vegemite sandwich goes to Carregwen. The site is the Endeavour River at Cooktown, Queensland, where Captain Cook careened the Endeavour after he ran aground and almost sunk on the Great Barrier Reef. The granite boulder marks the spot. A magnificent feat of seamanship. Sorry Rick, Richard Branson is not quite in the same league.
Pens look perfectly sharp, Peter: whatever you're doing seems to be working well.
I really like the first gate, António. The sunburst pattern is great.
Jeroen, you have another really interesting shot here, the one with the trees: I like the sharp foreground, soft distance. Very nice.
Pops, I like the third one best: lots of interacting lines.
Good eye, James: the stained glass inlay through the glass, and all the little bits of light from the other glasses, is really neat, and you handled the exposure beautifully.
Dave, how can you apologize for an image like that? Beautiful! Really sharp.
Beautiful sunset, Pops: maybe crop the sky a little for balance? It could just be me, but it seems that the horizon, with the nice silhouette, is a little hard to find.
Rick, that horizon, with the silhouettes is just outside my place. I cross the road, walk down about 50 yards and use a fencepost to prop the camera. Sometimes, I have to shoo rodeo bulls away from the fence, and I usually have 3 or 4 cats under foot, looking for what critters I kick up in the weeds. :D Other than that, it is pretty easy.
I left the sky uncropped because I wanted the wider view. However, were I to be putting that one on display in the gallery, I would be clipping and shaping more. Thank you.
You didn't see the 6 other variants.... :(
But I was quite pleased with this one.
Just try 1/3 under the brightest thing using spot, unless you want to blow it Wendy. cor. It is a bit too much of a fix for me, all the glasses are empty and maybe it could be a bit wider or narrower. :)
oops sorry; 1/3 under too me is 1+2/3 over for you. The meter on my camera runs from -2 to +2 and I put the needle at 1/3 under +2. :D it is easy really.