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Thread: My Review of CamFi Wireless System

  1. #21

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    Re: My Review of CamFi Wireless System

    Mark reached out to me to let me know that a new Windows update is available that fixes the one minor remaining problem that sometimes it was not possible to configure a particular exposure compensation. I've done very little testing of the new version but based on my very little use of it, it seems that indeed they have fixed that issue.

    The capability to configure Bulb mode has also been added for use with Nikon cameras.

    The new Windows version also provides an automatic update of the firmware.

  2. #22

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    Re: My Review of CamFi Wireless System

    I learned quite by accident a couple days ago that any image I capture is automatically being transferred to my laptop's disk; I mistakenly thought I had to do something separate from my typical workflow to make that happen.

    I mentioned in my first post of the thread that JPEGs transfer rather quickly. I usually shoot only raw files and I now realize they are also being transferred very quickly. This is in contrast to Manfred's report that the CamRanger's speed of transferring raw files is slow.

    I don't know whether the image files are being transferred directly to my laptop's RAM for viewing or whether they are instead being transferred first to its disk. I only know that RAW files (mine are about 12 MB) are being displayed within about 2 seconds of when I switch from Live View to the mode that displays the captured images. It takes about another two seconds to display the EXIF data and histogram. This is on a laptop that is not at all fast, as it cost less than $200. However, the laptop is within about five feet of the camera, so that presumably increases the transfer speed. Taking all of this into account, I now realize that I'll never have a need to shoot RAW+JPEG, as shooting only raw files will work fine for me.

    That transfer speed is certainly quick enough for tabletop photography and other types of photography that do not require instant feedback. I don't do studio portrait photography, but my guess is that in that situation the speed of transferring smaller JPEGs would be preferable when friends and associates of the model are viewing them while the shoot is in progress. In fact, I can't think of any way to automatically display a sequence of shots while also using the software to release the shutter, which I think (not sure) is required if the camera is connected to the CamFi hot spot.

    There is nothing in the documentation or the software itself mentioning anything about a raw converter, so I assume the software is displaying the raw file's embedded JPEG.
    Last edited by Mike Buckley; 12th April 2016 at 04:04 PM.

  3. #23
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: My Review of CamFi Wireless System

    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Buckley View Post
    This is in contrast to Manfred's report that the CamRanger's speed of transferring raw files is slow.
    Mike - on the CamRanger the raw files are not transferred to the device (nor would I want that as these exceed 40MB). They are written to the memory card on the camera, only the jpegs are transferred.

    Transfer speed is dependent on file size and with the D800 my high quality jpegs are running between 15MB and 25MB. This is the main reason for the slow data transfer; I'm simply pushing much bigger files through the wireless network than you are. If I were to shoot with a smaller sensor camera and set the jpegs to "basic", the throughput would be much faster. So the issue is related to the camera and camera settings I use, rather than anything to do with the CamRanger. I suspect the performance with the CamFi would be similar.

  4. #24

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    Re: My Review of CamFi Wireless System

    That makes sense, Manfred. My Nikon D7000 still fits my needs so well that I regularly forget how old it is and how much smaller its files are compared to files produced by the current generation of camera models.

  5. #25

    Re: My Review of CamFi Wireless System

    We are trying to use two cam-fi with two different cameras in the same studio. Any suggestions how to make this work?? One will transmit... the other ..nothing! I have researched the manual and it doesn't address this issue.

  6. #26

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    Re: My Review of CamFi Wireless System

    Try making sure that your operating systems are not configured to automatically connect with any WiFi. Then manually connect one device to one Camfi WiFi and manually connect the other device to the other Camfi WiFi. Otherwise, you'll probably get a conflict between WiFi signals.

    If that doesn't solve your problem, contact customer support. My experience is that customer support was very helpful and quickly responsive.

  7. #27

    Re: My Review of CamFi Wireless System

    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Buckley View Post
    Try making sure that your operating systems are not configured to automatically connect with any WiFi. Then manually connect one device to one Camfi WiFi and manually connect the other device to the other Camfi WiFi. Otherwise, you'll probably get a conflict between WiFi signals.

    If that doesn't solve your problem, contact customer support. My experience is that customer support was very helpful and quickly responsive.

  8. #28

    Re: My Review of CamFi Wireless System


    We have set up different WiFi adaptors on each computer..we are hardwired...and changed the channels of each wi fi but the second just won't read. I am going to try this morning and then customer support!! It recognizes it-sorta- and then rejects it. Not giving up. We are using Fastone as a viewer..

  9. #29

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    Re: My Review of CamFi Wireless System

    It's possible that one of the Camfi units is defective. That was the case with my unit. Once customer support figured that out (I hadn't seriously considered the possibility), they immediately sent me a new unit that solved all my problems, none of which were nearly as severe as yours.

    I typically use my unit a couple times each week. Once it was replaced, it has been like smooth sailing. Very enjoyable and helpful to use.
    Last edited by Mike Buckley; 7th September 2016 at 01:58 PM.

  10. #30

    Re: My Review of CamFi Wireless System

    Good point Mike! A YouTube video promoting the Camfi mentions raw files are compressed and transfer quickly to a laptop but I have not discovered this. I would love to know how you accidentally discovered raw files were copied to your hard drive?

    When I asked Mark at Camfi how to speed up image transfer from camera to computer he suggested going to Camfi settings and checking transfer jpg only. Fine so transfer is about 4 seconds which is ok but looks slower than in the Camfi promo video.

    A separate point is the fact I can't review images on my Nikon D4 screen while the Camfi is installed. A real deal breaker if I'm not close to the screen where the client is viewing the transferred images! Is this your experience or do you think my Camfi is not working properly?
    As I'm planning to shoot a 5 day studio session with client asking to review everything on a tablet I am concerned.

  11. #31

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    Re: My Review of CamFi Wireless System

    Quote Originally Posted by Romilly View Post
    I would love to know how you accidentally discovered raw files were copied to your hard drive?
    I looked in the Pictures directory, which is where the image files were being saved to. Prior to doing that, I thought the images were being stored only in my computer's RAM, not the hard drive. I then reviewed the CamFi Settings dialog that displays all the choices about which file formats are being transferred and where they are being transferred to. Doing so confirmed that everything that was happening was consistent with the camera's and CamFi's configurations.

    Bear in mind that the pertinent CamFi setting we're presently discussing doesn't control the camera. Instead, it controls which file formats the camera produces are being transferred to the viewing device. As an example, if you want the camera to save RAW + JPEG to the memory card, you have to configure the camera to do so. You can then configure CamFi to transfer either or both file formats to your viewing device.

    You might want to consider configuring your camera to save RAW + JPEG to the memory card using the smallest JPEG possible. Then configure CamFi to tansfer only the JPEG to the viewing device. The smaller the file, the faster the transfer.

    transfer is about 4 seconds which is ok but looks slower than in the Camfi promo video.
    So CamFi's marketing department apparently is no different than any other marketing department.

    I can't review images on my Nikon D4 screen while the Camfi is installed. A real deal breaker if I'm not close to the screen where the client is viewing the transferred images!
    That's also how my system using a Nikon D7000 works. Your problem would perhaps be solved if it's possible for two devices (your device and your client's device) to display the transferred image files at the same time. I don't remember if the documentation indicates whether that's possible and I've never tried making that happen.
    Last edited by Mike Buckley; 21st October 2016 at 10:58 AM.

  12. #32

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    Re: My Review of CamFi Wireless System

    I recently updated from the Windows 1.11.10 version to the Windows version of Cam-Fi. (I never updated to the other versions in between those two because the increased capabilities didn't impact me.) After updating, I was experiencing severe issues pertaining to the histogram; it was too often not displaying any data in the RGB channels and when it was displaying that data, it was too often obviously incorrect.

    A few days ago I emailed Cam-Fi's support about the issue. As always, I heard back from them very quickly that they would fix the problems. I received a beta update today that seems to have solved them.

    Anyone who experienced these issues should be on the outlook at Cam-Fi's website for an official update.
    Last edited by Mike Buckley; 12th April 2017 at 04:58 PM.

  13. #33
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    Re: My Review of CamFi Wireless System

    I just purchased the Camfi pro but how do you get the image to rotate to vertical? this is a huge problem for me since I only shoot vertical...

  14. #34
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: My Review of CamFi Wireless System

    Quote Originally Posted by jmac23 View Post
    I just purchased the Camfi pro but how do you get the image to rotate to vertical? this is a huge problem for me since I only shoot vertical...
    If you are viewing with a smart phone or tablet, lock the screen rotation on that device prevent the display from rotating when you rotate the device. These devices are effectively wireless tethering, so maximizing image size is an important aspect of how they are used.

    I don't have any personal experience with the Camfi, but I do use a CamRanger, which is functionally quite similar.

  15. #35
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    Re: My Review of CamFi Wireless System

    Quote Originally Posted by Manfred M View Post
    If you are viewing with a smart phone or tablet, lock the screen rotation on that device prevent the display from rotating when you rotate the device. These devices are effectively wireless tethering, so maximizing image size is an important aspect of how they are used.

    I don't have any personal experience with the Camfi, but I do use a CamRanger, which is functionally quite similar.

  16. #36
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    Re: My Review of CamFi Wireless System

    thank you!

  17. #37
    New Member robincooper's Avatar
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    Re: My Review of CamFi Wireless System

    Thanks for advance!

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