Hallo everyone. I am Eston. I am relatively new to photography. Have been at it since 2014. I am glad to have come upon this site.
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Hallo everyone. I am Eston. I am relatively new to photography. Have been at it since 2014. I am glad to have come upon this site.
Hello all, My name is Abiodun Shokenu, and my Nickname is DonBee. am from Lagos, Nigeria. i have been practicing photography since 2013. i actually started as events Photographer but now am going into Photo Documentary/Journalism fully and i need a guide and mentors to help become Photo Journalist. i am a Canonist I presently owned Canon 7D and 700D.
Thanks as i look forward to be part of this family.
warm Regards to you all
Abiodun S. S. (Don Bee)
please view my picture
Hi evertone, I am Daniel from Chile. Photography is one of my hobby. I love nature, landscape. my equipment, Nikon D750 and a D7100. I'm very interested in improving my shots and learning more about photo editing and post-processing
Hello all,
I am Hasheem currently in Abu Dhabi. I started shooting seriously 2 years ago. Most of my pictures are of birds and birds in action, though I would love to capture wildlife. I am trying my hand at landscape photography and consider it to be tough, but I am sure with time my skills will improve with tips from experienced photographers in this community. I own a Nikon D750 and a Nikon D5, the famous trinity, Nikon 200-500mm, 105mm macro.
Thanks for adding me to this forum.
Hola!, Y bienvenido en nuestra comunidad.
I love landscapes, and I visited Chile some years ago. What a country! From the Atacama to Torres del Paine. I hope that you will be sharing some images with us, and if you want to learn then you have come to the right place - learning and sharing is what we do.
Welcome, Dave
Hello Hasheem, and a very warm welcome to CiC. I hope that you will be sharing some images with us - I dont think that we have another member based in Abu Dhabi. We all work together here to help each other improve, so I am sure that you will fit right in.
Best wishes, Dave
Fantastic Dave, thanks.
Veo q algo de español sabes.
I'm so happy to be here.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
from Austria. I am Peter (74). My 1st camera (when I was 15, having saved up for 5 years) was a second hand Leica IIIC, which I still cherish. Then followed an Olympus 35C and even later several Minox 35. All still in excellent shape. Last year I bought an LX100 and spent quite a bit of time personalizing it extensively, so that it feels like my beloved Leica.
My posts in the respective categories will focus on LX100 jpg color rendering and on RAW editing & workflow (Rawtherapee newbee).
So much by way of introduction.
Regards, Peter
My Name is Mary I live in Horsley ,NSW Australia ,I am a grandmother and love taking photos, I have a Nikon SLR which I still have to learn more about taking good photos
I am a beginner and belong to my local camera club, I was given a project on creative digital photography. This meant resizing and changing the color profile using photo shop, I only have Corel Paint Shop Pro , can I undertake the said task with this and can you possibly tell me how to do so,
Hello- I just purchased a Sony RX10iii. I live in Florida, and love shooting Great Blue Herons as well as Egrets. I'm a beginner, but looking forward to learning! Thanks!
Hi Peter, and welcome. Sorry it has taken so long to formally say Hi, but I can see you are already active in the forums so hope all is well. There are still a few film photographers here, though not so many as there used to be, and I know you will find other Rawtherapee users. I hope you enjoy being a member.
Hello Mary, and a warm welcome to Cambridge in Colour. We were all beginners once, so just jump in with any questions and we'll be glad to help you out. Also, be sure the read the tutorials on this site, too. They are very good.
I'm afraid I don't know Paint Shop Pro, so can't help you with that. I suggest that you re-post your question here: https://www.cambridgeincolour.com/forums/forum7.htm where more people will see it and hopefully help. If it turns out that your software won't do the job, I'm sure you can get some helpful suggestions - you certainly don't need to jump into Photoshop!
Regards, Dave
Hello Holly, and welcome to CiC. We are all about learning and sharing so you have come to the right place! As I suggested to Mary above, just jump in and ask questions, and be sure to read the tutorials on this site
I've a few vacations in southern Florida, and yes those birds are very photogenic. The egrets can be troublesome because the white feathers can sometimes "blow" (don't worry if that doesn't make sense) - I had some tips from a resident Florida bird photographer, and there are some excellent bird photographers here, so if you are looking for ideas or feedback on your pictures do ask.
Best regards, Dave
Hello all.
I am Balakrishnan
Kannur Kerala India
Greetings from Bonaire, Dutch Caribbean!