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Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here
Hello Everyone, I'm Andy and I reside in Chorley in Lancashire U.K. I love ALL photography but have a hankering towards Landscaping. I do teach it as a profession so I hope that doesn't get me banned from the group Ha! Ha! I do travel globally doing what I do but I always find myself back in Scotland, one of my favourite locations.
Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here
Hi Andy! What a beautiful photo.
Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here
Hi Art and welcome to CiC. You've certainly got masses of photo opportunities over there on the west coast so keep taking those photos, and may be show us some. This place is all about sharing and learning, so I hope you'll be joining in.
Regards, Dave
Originally Posted by
Hi My names Art and I got hooked on taking photos about a year ago. Whenever possible I'm riding around the Vancouver area on my bicycle taking photos. For me the fun is in taking the photo, and is where I hope to keep learning.
Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here
Thanks-I use it as a demo about taking photos in extreme conditions. This was taken in pouring rain and horrific winds in a long exposure of 2 minutes
Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here
Hi, I am Abhinav residing in Bangalore, India. I have just started to learn the nuances of photography and really look forward to the expert advice from CIC members. I own a Nikon D5500 and 18-55mm VR II kit lens.
Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here
Hi everyone I am Pete, I live near Bolton, England. Having just started in photography my brother in law has shown me your site and suggested I join, looking through the wonderful shots on the site I hope to learn so much.
As a first camera I have chosen a Nikon D3300, thank you for invite.
Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here
Originally Posted by
Hi, I am Abhinav residing in Bangalore, India. I have just started to learn the nuances of photography and really look forward to the expert advice from CIC members. I own a Nikon D5500 and 18-55mm VR II kit lens.
Hello Abhinav, and a very warm welcome to our community. I hope that you enjoy being here, and find it helpful in your learning. If you are just starting, check out the tutorials on this site; they should help you on your way.
Would you mind adding your name and location to your profile - then they will appear alongside all your posts.
Best regards, Dave
Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here
Originally Posted by
Pete 1634
Hi everyone I am Pete, I live near Bolton, England. Having just started in photography my brother in law has shown me your site and suggested I join, looking through the wonderful shots on the site I hope to learn so much.
As a first camera I have chosen a Nikon D3300, thank you for invite.
Hello Pete, and a warm welcome. There's quite a few members here from the North West of the England, as well as further afield. This place is all about learning and sharing, so please jump right in with any questions you have, or any pictures you'd like feedback on. Did you brother in law point you to the tutorials here - they are very much worth a look.
Would you mind adding your name and location to your profile - then they will appear alongside all your posts.
Best regards, Dave
Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here
Hello to All. I'm new, here at least. Can't say I'm new to photography. My Dad gave me my first camera at 14. Well, that was 58 years ago. Hi-Fi and building it and audio in general became my first passion during my late teens and earlier adulthood.. But Photography has overtaken that during the past 40 odd years. Transparency film was my medium of choice. But the passion really took hold in 2006 with my acceptance of digital, with as of then, my 20D. 2008 saw my acquisition of a 5D, and now a 5Dll, since 2011.
My other great Love is hiking in the alpine, although time is taking its toll there, but I still get out, and still manage a few peaks & yes my 5Dll goes with me everywhere.
I have a hosted site and you welcome to visit, and I will add that this is the first time I have publicly advertised it: dkemphoto.zenfolio.com and here's a sample, one of my favourites. http://dkemphoto.zenfolio.com/p56255...8926#ha1348926 If you see mistakes please let me know :-)
Cheers to All.
Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here
Hello Derek, and welcome to CiC.
I went over and had a look at your photos - there are some great images there. Unfortunately, my body has given up on me, and I only see such sites from ground level or on the road!
I hope that you enjoy and share some learning as a member, and I hope to see and hear more from you soon.
Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here
Hello Horatio, and a warm welcome to CiC. Pleased to see that you've already jumped into the forums. You've probably realised that we are all about learning and helping each other, so I'm sure you'll fit right in. Would you mind adding your (approximate) location to your profile, so that it appears alongside all your posts. As well as it being nice to know where everyone is from, it can be useful when offering advice.
Best regards, Dave
Originally Posted by
Hello everybody. This forum seems to be a terrific place and I hope to be able to contribute something worthy. My name is Horatio and I am from the USA. My first camera was a Brownie, which evolved into a number of others including a Zeiss Icon, when I lived in Berlin, to a Nikormat, then to my current Nikon. My desire is to learn as much as possible about taking good images.
Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here
Hi, my name is Andrew Capul I was born and raised in New York City and I am currently living on Long Island here in New York. I look forward to improving my photography skills and I'm really glad I came across CIC. The only way I feel I can get better is to have people see my photos and critique them. I have a thick skin (I hope) so I look forward to the critiques. I have a canon 7d and mostly use my 70-200mm canon f4 or my Tamron 17-50mm 2.8.
Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here
Originally Posted by
Hi, my name is Andrew Capul I was born and raised in New York City and I am currently living on Long Island here in New York. I look forward to improving my photography skills and I'm really glad I came across CIC. The only way I feel I can get better is to have people see my photos and critique them. I have a thick skin (I hope) so I look forward to the critiques. I have a canon 7d and mostly use my 70-200mm canon f4 or my Tamron 17-50mm 2.8.
Hi Andrew,
Warm welcome to the CiC forums from me (from across the pond).
CiC is very good for exactly what you desire.
You may find this thread helpful:
HELP THREAD: How can I post images here?
plus you may find the first post in this thread useful:
How to Get Effective Feedback for your Posted Images
All the best,
Could you do me a favour please?
Could you click Settings (right at the top),
then Edit Profile (on left)
and put your first name in the Real Name field - arguably unnecessary in your case ;)
and where you are (e.g. Long Island, NYC) in the Location field (so we remember in future),
then click the Save Changes button below and to right,
this helps everyone give you more personal and relevant answers - thanks in advance.
Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here
Hi all, from UK, hoping to further my knowledge with photograpy and any tips i can get on the use of speedlights/flash, thanks for having me.
Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here
Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here
Hello All!
I'd better come in an say hi before I get stuck in to looking at all of the fantastic work and work in progress on the forum.
I'm an Engineer and part time Wedding Photographer based in Somerset (England, UK), I'm looking to gain inspiration, admire others work, learn what I can and in return provide any information I can. My website is here: SRSW Photography
I look forward to seeing your works of art!
Many thanks,
Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here
Hi Scott, and a warm welcome - pleased to see that you've jumped into the forums.
I've looked at your web site, and I'm sure you'll have a lot to offer photographically, but thread that seems to run through them all for me is happiness. So much joy there - I think your clients must be delighted.
Originally Posted by
SRSW Photo
Hello All!
I'd better come in an say hi before I get stuck in to looking at all of the fantastic work and work in progress on the forum.
I'm an Engineer and part time Wedding Photographer based in Somerset (England, UK), I'm looking to gain inspiration, admire others work, learn what I can and in return provide any information I can. My website is here:
SRSW Photography
I look forward to seeing your works of art!
Many thanks,
Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here
Hi, I'm Ruud from the Netherlands, and started photography recently. Until today I was an enthusiastic reader from your website and the invaluable discussions on the forum! I'm most interested in nature photography (birds) and I enjoy the being (walking) as much as taking the pictures themselves.
My goal : shoot great BIF pictures (right pose, in beautyful light and tack sharp :-)
I own a Sony bridge camera, and use Capture One Pro for post processing ....
hi you all!
Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here
Hello Everyone....
I signed up here a couple of years ago, read some tutorials, got frightened by the high standard of images to be seen on here and tiptoed away!
Anyway time has marched on and I'm more confident with my photography. I recently went FF with the amazing Canon 5d Mk 4 and I am keen to explore all its possibilities as I push myself out of the comfort zone.I am hoping to learn from this forum but am happy to wade in with my point of view from time to time.
I am English and have been living on the beautiful Spanish island of Menorca for many years now.
So hi to you all and I hope to post some images soon
Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here
Originally Posted by
Hello Everyone....
I signed up here a couple of years ago, read some tutorials, got frightened by the high standard of images to be seen on here and tiptoed away!
Anyway time has marched on and I'm more confident with my photography. I recently went FF with the amazing Canon 5d Mk 4 and I am keen to explore all its possibilities as I push myself out of the comfort zone.I am hoping to learn from this forum but am happy to wade in with my point of view from time to time.
I am English and have been living on the beautiful Spanish island of Menorca for many years now.
So hi to you all and I hope to post some images soon
Hi Barbara:
Great to know you have returned to the fold after your time in the wilderness! :) (Sounds like Luke Skywalker...) We are ALL learners about photography here, some just know a bit more than others but for all of us it is a never-ending journey of discovery of the science, the art and often ourselves. I am envious of your Canon 5DIV, it seems like a brilliant camera and I look forward to seeing some the fruits of your endeavours. Do you do any underwater photography: that is something we rarely see on this site.