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Thread: New member posts: April 2014 to June 2020

  1. #2261
    lunarbo's Avatar
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    Bo or Barbara - I'll answer to both!

    Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here

    Hi Trev

    Thanks for taking the trouble to reply. I appreciate that if we have the attitude that we are all here to learn then the journey is more fun and more rewarding.

    Re diving pics-- I have had modest success with a compact camera (Canon Powershot ) but flooded it at the end of last season so I am currently without - which will seem like being naked underwater -so I'm going to have to rattle the piggy bank again which is still recovering from the 5d4 outlay.

    FWIW a DSLR with housing & strobes will set you back about £5000 and be a big heavy responsibility to take in the water- I'd rather go light and enjoy the dive

    Could anyone here please tell me how to put my flickr page as a signature ( as you have your Tolstoy quote) on my profile?

    thanks in advance. Bo

  2. #2262

    Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here

    Quote Originally Posted by lunarbo View Post
    Hi Trev

    Thanks for taking the trouble to reply. I appreciate that if we have the attitude that we are all here to learn then the journey is more fun and more rewarding.

    Re diving pics-- I have had modest success with a compact camera (Canon Powershot ) but flooded it at the end of last season so I am currently without - which will seem like being naked underwater -so I'm going to have to rattle the piggy bank again which is still recovering from the 5d4 outlay.

    FWIW a DSLR with housing & strobes will set you back about £5000 and be a big heavy responsibility to take in the water- I'd rather go light and enjoy the dive

    Could anyone here please tell me how to put my flickr page as a signature ( as you have your Tolstoy quote) on my profile?

    thanks in advance. Bo
    Hi Bo:

    If you go into the Settings tab on the top of the web page, on the left side bar select Signature and put whatever you choose in the main panel.

    I have a Canon D10 that I have used for hiking in bad weather and would like to take snorkeling at some stage. Yep, I agree an underwater housing for a DSLR is NOT cheap, especially with a 5DIV inside, and the risks are still there. I would definitely go for another compact camera or rent a unit.

  3. #2263
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    Michael Schnee

    Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here

    My name is Michael from Pacifica, California. I mainly take landscape photos with digital and 4X5 film. Recently was given a Holga so I am playing around with that. Looking forward to entering your mini competitions as well as learning from your tutorials. Bought your book Understanding Photography even though I have been taking pictures for many years. Find it to be a good resource. Been using your website for awhile so I thought I would introduce myself.

  4. #2264
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here

    Quote Originally Posted by schnee View Post
    My name is Michael from Pacifica, California. I mainly take landscape photos with digital and 4X5 film. Recently was given a Holga so I am playing around with that. Looking forward to entering your mini competitions as well as learning from your tutorials. Bought your book Understanding Photography even though I have been taking pictures for many years. Find it to be a good resource. Been using your website for awhile so I thought I would introduce myself.
    Welcome to CiC Michael. We are looking forward to your postings.

    Dragging a 4x5 camera around to do landscape work takes a lot of dedication. Those cameras are not exactly portable or light weight!

  5. #2265
    New Member katwoods's Avatar
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here

    Hi to all

    I like to use any types of computers as personal computer and laptop. Also I'm a Artist. I'm interesting in art, including modern art. I'm from USA. I live in city which called Las Vegas. I have 25 years. I like to chat on various themes. I would like to join your forum.

    Best regards!

  6. #2266
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here

    Quote Originally Posted by katwoods View Post
    Hi to all

    I like to use any types of computers as personal computer and laptop. Also I'm a Artist. I'm interesting in art, including modern art. I'm from USA. I live in city which called Las Vegas. I have 25 years. I like to chat on various themes. I would like to join your forum.

    Best regards!
    Hi Katherine,

    We are almost exclusively a photographic learning web site, although we obviously dabble in computers to use the likes of Photoshop (PS) or other image editing programs/apps.

    You have succeeded in joining, let's hope you find something of interest here - I mean we're obviously 'in' to the rules* of good composition when framing to take a photo, or cropping in post production - and many of us apply our own form of 'artistic license' with judicious use of a clone tool in PS.

    Welcome to the CiC forums,

  7. #2267
    New Member Jellis's Avatar
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here

    hello people

    I read funny books, and I have two cars. One more of my passions is flowers. I have all types of gadgets - laptop, smartphone, tablet. I like all forums connected to gadgets. I am an engineer. I live in United States. My native city is MI, Lansing. I am 38 years old. I wish I was a part of your community.

    Have a nice day!

  8. #2268
    Tina222's Avatar
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here

    Hi! I'm Tina and I'm from Clarks Sammit, USA. Photography became my hobby not long ago, but I've found this forum and decided to register as there is much interesting and useful infromation here. I'm glad to be a part of this community!

  9. #2269
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here

    Quote Originally Posted by Jellis View Post
    I read funny books, and I have two cars. One more of my passions is flowers. I have all types of gadgets - laptop, smartphone, tablet. I like all forums connected to gadgets. I am an engineer. I live in United States. My native city is MI, Lansing. I am 38 years old. I wish I was a part of your community.
    Hi John.

    Welcome aboard. You'll find all sort of photographers on here - experienced and folks just starting out - some more interested in the technical aspects, some more concerned about the aesthetic. But all wanting to improve their photography and learn from each other.

    I hope you'll enjoy being part of the forum.

  10. #2270
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Just add 'MacKenzie'

    Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here

    Quote Originally Posted by Tina222 View Post
    Hi! I'm Tina and I'm from Clarks Sammit, USA. Photography became my hobby not long ago, but I've found this forum and decided to register as there is much interesting and useful infromation here. I'm glad to be a part of this community!
    Tina - welcome.

    Glad that you've found the forum interesting. The partner website is well rated amongst photographers for the very useful and easy to understand information. If you have any questions, please ask. There will always be someone (or more) on here who are willing to give an opinion or provide the answer. That's what the forum is about - helping each other.

  11. #2271
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here

    Hi - My name is Martyn from the UK. I have been interested in photography since my teens when my father bought me an Olympus OM-D (fully manual SLR) and a 500m f8 lens for a birding trip to the Camargue province, FR. Anyway - wind forward nearly 40years. I am still enjoying the hobby and have a combination of m4/3 Olympus OM-D EM-1 MKII and Nikon D810 FX with a variety of f2.8 pro lenses for both and other lenses.

    I have taken shots at a few music festivals and my sisters wedding and also enjoy landscape and wildlife and travel. I'm a bit of a watch fanatic so take macro shots and studio takes of these for fun.

    You are welcome to see my pictures on my smugmug pages:

    I look forward to joining in discussions and contributing. Off to Japan soon so still in a quandry to take the Oly or Nikon!

    I can't see - is this forum in Cambridge, UK or Cambridge, MASS?


  12. #2272
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here

    Quote Originally Posted by martynjc View Post
    Hi - My name is Martyn from the UK. I have been interested in photography since my teens when my father bought me an Olympus OM-D (fully manual SLR) and a 500m f8 lens for a birding trip to the Camargue province, FR. Anyway - wind forward nearly 40years. I am still enjoying the hobby and have a combination of m4/3 Olympus OM-D EM-1 MKII and Nikon D810 FX with a variety of f2.8 pro lenses for both and other lenses.

    I have taken shots at a few music festivals and my sisters wedding and also enjoy landscape and wildlife and travel. I'm a bit of a watch fanatic so take macro shots and studio takes of these for fun.

    You are welcome to see my pictures on my smugmug pages:

    I look forward to joining in discussions and contributing. Off to Japan soon so still in a quandry to take the Oly or Nikon!

    I can't see - is this forum in Cambridge, UK or Cambridge, MASS?

    Welcome to CiC Martin. Enjoy your trip to Japan. It is definitely a very interesting place that I enjoyed visiting very much.

    I had my D800 in Japan the last time I was there in 2015; with the three f/2.8 zooms (14-24mm, 24-70mm and 70-200mm). If weight is your primary concern, then take the Oly, if you want the highest resolution images, take the Nikon. I do like the shallow DoF I can get with the Nikon. I also shoot the mFT Panasonic GX7 and find that I miss my fast glass and shallower DoF whenever I use it.

    Finally, the site name comes from Cambridge, UK. The site's founder, Sean McHugh lives in the USA, but was very involved in photography while he was studying at University of Cambridge.

  13. #2273

    Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here

    I am Mr.Debasish Nath from Kolkata ,India, I am very much interested in photography.
    My hobby is photography and trekking in India and Nepal.
    I like to know more about Digital Photography and I want to share my photographs too.
    I believe joining in your community will be very much help full to me.
    I am using Nikon D5500

    Debasish Nath

  14. #2274
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here

    Quote Originally Posted by dejohn614 View Post
    I am Mr.Debasish Nath from Kolkata ,India, I am very much interested in photography.
    My hobby is photography and trekking in India and Nepal.
    I like to know more about Digital Photography and I want to share my photographs too.
    I believe joining in your community will be very much help full to me.
    I am using Nikon D5500

    Debasish Nath
    Hello Debasish,

    Welcome and looking forward to seeing what you capture with your camera.

  15. #2275

    New Member

    Greetings, all. I am David McB from New Hampshire, USA. I am happy to have found CiC as I believe I will be sharing comments and compliments with a sincere and interested group of "artists" whose medium is the camera. My main interest is photographing people, in groups at events, and portraits. The past couple summers I've been part of chronicling workshops at Andy's Summer Playhouse, a development theater for youngsters located in nearby Wilton, NH, and hope to participate again this summer. Regards

  16. #2276
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: New Member

    Hi David and welcome, the playhouse should provide for some interesting captures, can't wait to see them.

  17. #2277

    Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here

    Hi there! I'm in the US, Eastern part, and I have done photography on and off since I was a kid...I had a Minolta SLR at one point and developed a few rolls of film (no printing).

    At this point I am really avidly pursuing photography, and have several cameras and am learning all I can. My favorite camera is the Foveon sensor SDHQ from Sigma, which is a very unique camera.

    I am especially interested in street photography, portrait, and wildlife. Macro too. LOL.

    I am also interested in licensing photos of pretty young women for a business that I run. I'm here to learn all I can. I love this community as it isn't a bunch of grumpy old guys, LOL, which some of the other forums are.

    Thank you for having me here.

  18. #2278

    Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here

    Hello Everyone

    This is my first post, I hope I posted it properly.

    My name is David Green, I am an amateur photographer in Royal Palm Beach, Florida.
    I am presently pursuing photography as a hobby in the areas of Nature including wildlife, landscape and just about anything that is exists in our world naturally.

    Living in South Florida presents me many possibilities for taking photos. I have been in photography for about 2 years.

    I am looking forward to making many friends and learning the skills I need to thoroughly enjoy the enjoyment photograph gives to me.

    Dave Green

  19. #2279
    davidedric's Avatar
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here

    Hi there Rich, and a warm welcome to CiC. Members here have lots of different interests, so you'll have plenty of chance to share interests.

    Unfortunately, I can't help with pictures of pretty young women

    Some of us are past our best, but we try not to be too grumpy (I'll leave you to find the exceptions!). Could you just add your general location to your profile.

    Look forward to hearing more from you.


    Quote Originally Posted by Richy Rich View Post
    Hi there! I'm in the US, Eastern part, and I have done photography on and off since I was a kid...I had a Minolta SLR at one point and developed a few rolls of film (no printing).

    At this point I am really avidly pursuing photography, and have several cameras and am learning all I can. My favorite camera is the Foveon sensor SDHQ from Sigma, which is a very unique camera.

    I am especially interested in street photography, portrait, and wildlife. Macro too. LOL.

    I am also interested in licensing photos of pretty young women for a business that I run. I'm here to learn all I can. I love this community as it isn't a bunch of grumpy old guys, LOL, which some of the other forums are.

    Thank you for having me here.

  20. #2280
    davidedric's Avatar
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here

    Hi Dave and a warm welcome (and, yes, you've posted it properly)

    THere's certainly lots of wildlife opportunities in southern Florida (I guess you're not too far from Green Cay?), so I hope you'll be sharing some images with us. Please could you add your location to your profile - that way it will appear alongside all your posts and as well as being nice to know it can be helpful if you're asking for advice.

    We are all about sharing and learning (and enjoying), so you've come to the right place.

    Welcome on board, Dave (there are a lot of Dave's around here )

    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Green View Post
    Hello Everyone

    This is my first post, I hope I posted it properly.

    My name is David Green, I am an amateur photographer in Royal Palm Beach, Florida.
    I am presently pursuing photography as a hobby in the areas of Nature including wildlife, landscape and just about anything that is exists in our world naturally.

    Living in South Florida presents me many possibilities for taking photos. I have been in photography for about 2 years.

    I am looking forward to making many friends and learning the skills I need to thoroughly enjoy the enjoyment photograph gives to me.

    Dave Green

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