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Thread: New member posts: April 2014 to June 2020

  1. #2281

    Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here

    I am Kalyan from Kolkata, India, where I am living now. today I have joined in cic forum. now a days I am doing the basic training of photography. So basically I am interested in these days technical side of basic photography, specially black & white.

  2. #2282

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    Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here

    Quote Originally Posted by sankalpas123 View Post
    I am Kalyan from Kolkata, India, where I am living now. today I have joined in cic forum. now a days I am doing the basic training of photography. So basically I am interested in these days technical side of basic photography, specially black & white.
    Namaste Kalyan,

    Is Kolkata what used to be called "Calcutta"? I am old and I don't know all the recent (or original) names, sorry. I do find it interesting that, although Bombay is now Mumbai, India is still India, not Bharat. Pardon the digression!

    This may be of interest with reference to technical black and white:

    The paper referenced in the above link gets even deeper into the subject!

    Bottom line is that always using the same color-to-grayscale method may not work for all images ...
    Last edited by xpatUSA; 26th March 2018 at 06:44 PM.

  3. #2283

    Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here

    Hello Everyone
    I’m Rekha Bhosale from India. I look forward to improving my photography skills.
    I’ve started photography a couple of years ago. I’ve read online books, magazines and tutorials I mainly took interest in “Bird Photography “. I like to chat on various topics of Nature/Wildlife photography as well as landscape photography. I hope CIC is a good platform to learn more about photography.
    Best Regards.

  4. #2284
    davidedric's Avatar
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here

    Hello Rekha, and a very warm welcome to our community. What part of India are you from?

    Here, we are all about learning and sharing, so if you want to improve your photography you have come to the right place. There are many expert photographers here who are always happy to share their knowledge (and others of us who are not so expert ), so do jump into the forums and get involved. Also, if you haven't checked out the tutorials, have a look there - you may well find something useful.

    Look forward to seeing and hearing more from you.

    Best regards, Dave

    Quote Originally Posted by rekhabhosale View Post
    Hello Everyone
    I’m Rekha Bhosale from India. I look forward to improving my photography skills.
    I’ve started photography a couple of years ago. I’ve read online books, magazines and tutorials I mainly took interest in “Bird Photography “. I like to chat on various topics of Nature/Wildlife photography as well as landscape photography. I hope CIC is a good platform to learn more about photography.
    Best Regards.

  5. #2285
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    Storrs-Fox, Quentin

    Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here

    Hi all

    I am Quentin and live in south-west France and am retired. Last year I joined a photo group in our area and have, I hope, progressed from happy snapper to a thoughtful but still inexperienced photographer. My equipment is Canon EOS 7D Mark 2, and favourite lenses are Canon 24-105mm f/4 1:4, Canon 70-200mm f/4 1:4, Canon 100mm macro f/2.8 1:1. My favourite subjects / genres are nature & wildlife, urban and now a growing interest in macro. I will no doubt post many beginner questions and look forward to learning as much as I can from the forum.

  6. #2286
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here

    hi to all newbie to forum getting back into photography after a good few years away.

  7. #2287
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here

    Hello, my name is Julie. I am a Nikon user, who loves to photograph architecture, nature, land and seascapes. I look forward to joining this community and becoming an active participant.

  8. #2288
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here

    Hi Brickie, I am also new. It will be terrific to see your images.

  9. #2289
    davidedric's Avatar
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here

    Hello Quentin, brickie and Julie

    A warm welcome to you all, and apologies for a rather slow reply. I hope you will join in the forums ( I can see that you have already started). Hoping to see and hear more from you.

    Regards, Dave

  10. #2290
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here

    Hello, my name is *Tejasiddhi and I live in Cambridge, UK.

    I have been interested in photography for some time, but had never got around to buying a DSLR until very recently (just over two week ago). I'd previously used a Panasonic Lumix which I used when I travelled around the world for 6 months, back in 2011; but have only really been using my iPhone's camera in recent years.

    I've started modestly with a Nikon D3400, which seems to be a good entry level DSLR, and I'm currently fighting with expectations at the moment, as I compose lots of images that are deleted almost as soon as they appear in Lightroom. In participating on this forum I am hoping to be able to find (and to give back in the future) advice and encouragement in my development in photography.

    Kind regards Tejasiddhi

    *My name is in Pali (an ancient Indian language) and was given to me when I was ordained into a Buddhist Order a few years ago.

  11. #2291

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    Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here


    I've read things on CiC occasionally before, but today I realized here's a forum too. So I joined.
    Took my first pictures in 1972, bought my first more capable camera in 1975 and then just kept on going.

  12. #2292

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    Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here

    Hello I was a member for about three years but lost my password and having tried several times to change it I was unsuccessful so I rejoined. My last name was rent but Roy will do

  13. #2293
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here

    Hi Roy,

    The Rent screen name does seem familiar, welcome back.

  14. #2294
    davidedric's Avatar
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here

    Hello Tejasiddhi, and a warm welcome to CiC

    Sorry for a delayed welcome, but this is a great place to learn and share about photography. I do hope that you can get started in the forums, and if you want to share any photographs then do - this is a helpful and supportive place. If you haven't yet found your way to the tutorials, do have a read of those too.

    Regards, Dave

    Quote Originally Posted by Tejasiddhi View Post
    Hello, my name is *Tejasiddhi and I live in Cambridge, UK.

    I have been interested in photography for some time, but had never got around to buying a DSLR until very recently (just over two week ago). I'd previously used a Panasonic Lumix which I used when I travelled around the world for 6 months, back in 2011; but have only really been using my iPhone's camera in recent years.

    I've started modestly with a Nikon D3400, which seems to be a good entry level DSLR, and I'm currently fighting with expectations at the moment, as I compose lots of images that are deleted almost as soon as they appear in Lightroom. In participating on this forum I am hoping to be able to find (and to give back in the future) advice and encouragement in my development in photography.

    Kind regards Tejasiddhi

    *My name is in Pali (an ancient Indian language) and was given to me when I was ordained into a Buddhist Order a few years ago.

  15. #2295
    davidedric's Avatar
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here

    Hej, Anders, och välkommen. Please to have you as a member, and I hope we'll see and hear much from you.

    Regards, Dave

    Quote Originally Posted by apersson850 View Post

    I've read things on CiC occasionally before, but today I realized here's a forum too. So I joined.
    Took my first pictures in 1972, bought my first more capable camera in 1975 and then just kept on going.

  16. #2296

    Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here

    Hello everybody,
    I am from Cyprus, currently studying Architecture in UK. I am new in photography and I own a Nikkon d3300 with the 18-55m box lens. I am looking forward to learning as many things as I can! And in return I hope I can post some great photographs

    P.s. As I am new on this, I am planning to buy a new lens. I would like to buy a telephoto lens. So I wonder what's the best option between Nikon AF-P DX Nikkor 70-300 mm f/4.5-6.3G ED VR and Nikon AF-S DX NIKKOR 55-300mm f/4.5-5.6G VR Lens. I found them both on approximately the same price but I don't know which will be the best option. Any advice would be very appreciated

    Thank you guys!!!

  17. #2297
    davidedric's Avatar
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here

    Hi Nikolas, and a warm welcome. We here at CiC are all about learning and sharing, so you've come to the right place (and if you haven't already read the tutorials on this site then do - they should help you a lot).

    Not so many members read this part of the site, so I suggest that you repost your lens question in the "Digital Cameras and Equipment" forum where you should get more replies. I don't shoot Nikon myself, so I can't help!

    Regards, Dave

  18. #2298
    DrJeans's Avatar
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here

    Quote Originally Posted by lissa78 View Post
    Hello Everyone,
    My name is Lissa and I am new here. It's really nice platform to share creative photography.
    Hi Lissa!

  19. #2299

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    Martin Fisher

    Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here

    Hello, Martin Fisher here. Located in central Florida. I love all types of photography. Currently shooting birds as it's nesting season for the most part here where I live. I'm currently chasing some wood ducks found close to home, a far cry from the 125 mile round trip I've taken for the last few years to locate them. Love talking technique, it's all about the light from what I've learned. Of coarse I'm still learning, have limited amount of equipment, always saving to up grade. Hope we all get to know each other, Martin New member posts: April 2014 to June 2020

  20. #2300

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    I live in Russia, in a rural place on the river Volga
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here

    Hi, I'm Vladimir coming from Russia and living in a picturesque village on the Volga river. So, my photos are mainly countryside photos. I am using two cameras: Canon EOS 5d (I started with it in 2007 and I still love it for its color, especially how it depicts skintones in the sun), and a couple of years ago I bought a Canon EOS 6d which is very comfortable to use for its lightweight and compactness. I usually walk with both cameras having Sigma 35/1.4 Art on the one camera, and Canon 135/2 on the other.
    I don't shoot landscapes - people are always present on my photos, usually granddaughter and her friends are my models. Here is an example:
    New member posts: April 2014 to June 2020
    I am an amateur and don't earn money on Photography.
    Last edited by zebra; 23rd May 2018 at 01:59 AM.

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