Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hello, i'm a new member, was introduced to this site by a friend, currently using a Nikon P500 and dont know how to use most of the functions on it :(. Hoping this site will help me learn more about it. Been interested in photography for awhile now but just recently changed my attitude towards it and would like to really get involved with it.
looking forward to any and all comments about my pictures whether good or bad.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
I am based in the Czech Republic, central Europe. Shooting for about 10 years now, mostly reports from travels and events. One specialization of mine are panoramas of nature. You can see my selected work here -
At CIC I seek professional help for any image capture/processing/printing/visialising needs from enthusiastic people who do the stuff better then me :D
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Good morning...Tom here from Houston Texas
Hi Tom,
Good evening (well, it is here)
A warm welcome to CiC. There are quite a few travellers around here, so I look forward to seeing some of your images.
This is a friendly place, and it would also be good if you could edit your profile to let everyone know whereabouts you are in world, and how you’d like to be known (in CiC terms your “real name”). To do that, you click Settings (right at top), then Edit Profile (on left) and put your first name in the Real Name field and where you are (roughly) in the Location field. That way, your details will appear alongside all of your posts
Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here
Hello, i'm a new member, was introduced to this site by a friend, currently using a Nikon P500 and dont know how to use most of the functions on it :(.
If you want to learn, you have come to the right place. If you have any questions, just ask in one of the forums. We have a rule that there are no dumb questions. Also, do check out and read the tutorials, they should help you on your way.
Apologies for cutting and pasting, but I am going to repeat what I said above:
This is a friendly place, and it would also be good if you could edit your profile to let everyone know whereabouts you are in world, and how you’d like to be known (in CiC terms your “real name”). To do that, you click Settings (right at top), then Edit Profile (on left) and put your first name in the Real Name field and where you are (roughly) in the Location field. That way, your details will appear alongside all of your posts
Hope to hear more from you,
Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here
I am based in the Czech Republic, central Europe.
Hi Jiri,
I had a look, and I think your panoramas are rather good!
There are some very good photographers here (not me!) who are ready to share their expertise, so you have certainly come to the right place. I hope to see more of you and your images around the forums.
Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here
Hello folks.
My name is Nick. I have been trying to photograph wildlife along with other plants and scenery etc.
Since I was referred to this website, I have found some helpful reading in the articles section, but I'm looking forward to talking to some photographers directly on this forum.
It looks like there is a lot of sharp photography knowledge here.
Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here
Hello, i am new here and I really like your forum - alot of information for beginner and professional photographs
Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here
Hi Kwejk
As you see, I joined this forum on the last post right above you. I'm not sure why this thread isn't very busy, but I just began a thread elsewhere to get started, and have been getting a lot of action since.
Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here
Originally Posted by
Nicks Pics
Since I was referred to this website, I have found some helpful reading in the articles section, but I'm looking forward to talking to some photographers directly on this forum.
It looks like there is a lot of sharp photography knowledge here.
Hello Nick and welcome to the forum. I hope you enjoy being involved. You'll find lots of people on here with lots of knowledge adn experience who are willing to share those so that we can all learn from each other.
Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here
Thank you for the welcoming and advice.
Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here
Thank you Donald, that's what I was hoping to find. It's really nice to be able to talk to people who know about the many things there are to know about photography.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hello and warmest greetings to all from Southern Philippines! I'm Yobsky and a retired civil servant. Been in and out of photography since the mid-70s because work and family are hindering my development as a photographer. Now that I'm retired and digital photography is a new ballgame (compared to film photography) worth learning, my interest for this lost hobby has revived. I own a Nikon D80 and a D5100, a few Nikkor lenses, an ancient Canon SLR, an equally ancient Minolta SLR and some four or five compacts (Fuji, Samsung Canon, Sanyo).
I usually shoot anything that interests me, but right now I'm just trying to relearn forgotten photography knowledge and I'm confident Cambridge in Colour and you guys can help me out. Thanks!
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hello and warmest greetings to all from Southern Philippines!
Hello Yobsky - very pleased that you decided to join us. This is a friendly place, and everyone is always happy to share their expereince.
Yes digital photography is a new ball game, especially the way the computer has replaced the darkroom, but what makes a good photo hasn't changed! If you haven't already do go to the tutorials here, they will give you a grounding in digital.
Looks like you've got all the gear that you need, so get out there, get shooting and let's see some pictures from the Philippines.
It would also be good if you could update your profile so that we all know where in the world you are and what your "real name" - Yobsky - is. That way they will appear alongside all your posts.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi, all. I'm brand new to CIC. My name is Christine & while I've been into photography for a while, I still have lots to learn. I enjoy taking pictures of a variety of subjects. I have a new camera & hope to improve my skills with your tutorials & feedback on photos.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi, everybody. I'm also new to this site. My name is Donato (I'm from Italy). Sure I have lots to learn. I enjoy taking pictures of sunset, portraits, animals clouds & skies. I have a Nikon d5000, with nikon 70-300, sigma 18-250 and tamron 10-24. I hope one day to upload my pics, get your feedback and improve. THX
Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here
Originally Posted by
Thank you for the welcoming and advice.
welcome to CiC Roger
great advice given and excellent tutorials ...
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi, all. I'm brand new to CIC. My name is Christine
Hi Christine, and a warm welcome to our community. We are all learning, and learning and sharing is what CiC is all about, so I think you have come to the right place.
I look forward to seeing some of your images in the forums.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi, everybody. I'm also new to this site. My name is Donato (I'm from Italy)
Hi Donato, I'm pleased that you have decided to join us. It sounds as though you have a wide variety of photographic interests. Don't be concerned about posting pictures - one of the most important things about this community is that any criticism will be kind and constructive.
It would be good if you could update your profile and put "Donato" as your real name and perhaps "Italy" or even a town in your location. That way they will appear alongside all your posts. As well as being friendly, it can be useful to know whereabouts someone is from when offering advice.
I look forward to hearing more from you.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
hi my name is graham i am from england, now i have retired i hope to learn from others how to take better photos. that is why i have joined this site thank you.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
graham hill
hi my name is graham i am from england,
That's okay, Graham, we won't hold it against you!
It's great to have you here and thanks for deciding to join. You might want to amend the address in your profile so that 'England' appears alongside 'West Midlands' in all your posts, otherwise folks from other parts of the world will be wondering where 'West Midlands' is.
now i have retired i hope to learn from others how to take better photos. that is why i have joined this site thank you.
Oh, you lucky person. I keep thinking more and more about retirement. Anyway, I hope you find that CiC is the sort of online learning resource that suits you and that you find useful. There is no such thing as a stupid question on here and the underpinning principle is that we should all be willing to help each other through the sharing of knowledge and experience.