Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hello CIC - My name is Tony I am from Stockport. I have a Canon 350D at present, but I am hoping to upgrade next year, and been looking at Canon 6d or 7d Mk 3 !! I am quite a keen photographer when I get chance. We have 2 horses, so seem to spend lot of time photographing my better half in competitions.
Look forward to any critique on my pics when posted, and I am trying to learn how to use my camera in manual mode !!
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Hello CIC - My name is Tony I am from Stockport. ... I am trying to learn how to use my camera in manual mode !!
Hello, Tony. Great to have you here and thanks for joining.
I think that learning to use the camera is full manual mode is a great thing to do. You may then choose to use the Aperture Priority or Shutter Priority most of the time. But that basic understanding gained through mastering full manual is, I think, invaluable. But, of course, not everyone agrees with that point of view.
But I hope you enjoy being part of this forum.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi to all,
I am Shashi form Mumbai, India. I am learning photography slowly from reading and experimenting.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
I am learning photography slowly from reading and experimenting.
That is indeed the very best way to approach learning. It is no use trying to learn everything at one. Take it slowly so that the knowledge you gain is allowed to be absorbed.
Thank you for joining this forum, Shashi. I hope you find it useful and enjoyable.
Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here
Hello everyone, my name is Maria and live in Southern California. My daughter showed horses so I bought a DSLR not knowing how to use it. When she was in a regional championship class, I put that camera in auto mode and started flashing away, not even considering the horse's reaction. Needless to say, trainer banned me. I found an excellent community college that teaches photography online and really enjoy it. And now, cannot get enough of it. I need all the help I can get. I really look forward to exploring this website and viewing everyone's photos....
Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here
Originally Posted by
I found an excellent community college that teaches photography online and really enjoy it. And now, cannot get enough of it. I need all the help I can get. I really look forward to exploring this website and viewing everyone's photos....
Maria - Great to have you here. Thanks for joining. I hope that you find that this is a forum where the more experienced people are happy to help the less experienced through offering advice and guidance, answering questions, commenting on pictures. There is no such thing as a dumb question on CiC and the people who matter remember that they too were once just at the beginning of the learning curve, as you are now.
And, yes, as soon as you're anywhere near animals, make sure the flash is off.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi and what a great find this Learning Community is. I have been taking photos for 20 years but only became keen on photography about 5 years ago. I am particularly keen on nature photography, landscapes and macro photography. I am self taught, consequently I struggle with photography terminology. I am often called on to do a bit of web design including photo editing for websites.
I look forward to learning more about technique and post editing. I use an eclectic range of gear from the budget end of the DSLR range.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi Phillip and a warm welcome to CiC. You've already got the hang of this community - it's all about sharing and learning.
If you haven't already do have a look at the tutorials - they will lead you gently through the terminology :)
Other than that, jump in and enjoy
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi, my name is Jesus. I'm an amateur Photographer living near from Barcelona. I started many years ago but my interest declined until I discovered digital photography. Now I can say that I i've rediscovered the beauty of making photographs again.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
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Now I can say that I i've rediscovered the beauty of making photographs again.
And that is most wonderful thing about our passion for photography. Hello Jesus and welcome to the CiC forum. I hope you dind the forum a useful source of information and that you enjoy being involved.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hello everyone on Cambridge In Colour:
I live in San Leandro, California, U.S.A., about four miles from the San Francisco Bay. I've taken snapshot photos since age 10 when I got a Kodak Brownie camera for my birthday. Now, I want to improve my photography skills starting with simplifying my images and learning how to capture the "wow" factor. Hoping you all will help me find my visual "voice."
Hereford in black and white:
Fairmont Ridge Staging Area near Lake Chabot, San Leandro, Calif. USA
Nikon D3300 > Nikon 55-200mm lens > 200mm > f/8 > 1/3200 > ISO 400
Lightroom 5.0 > Saturation 0
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
I live in San Leandro, California, U.S.A., about four miles from the San Francisco Bay.
It's great to have you here, Geri. Thank you for joining.
And I hope that being part of CiC does help you achieve the knowledge and skill that you want. But we already know you are very good at B & W conversion work. That sample has got beautiful light and tone.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Thank you for welcoming me to CiC. Here in the San Francisco bay area the grass on the hills this time of year (November) is a uninspiring, lack-luster, blotchy, camel-hair brown; and the Hereford was black. So just made sense to render the image in B & W. I've looked at your web site and very much admire your work, especially the B & W dog images. Outstanding!
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hello to all. I've been visiting this site for some time now and decided to join in. I've been involved with photography since my parents bought me my first SLR back in 1978. much to their dismay my eye always turned to clouds, sunsets, unusal things (to my eye) and such. It wasn't long before I was working to buy my own film and pay for processing as they refused to "waste money" on on things no one wanted to see. Undaunted I loaded up on tons of Tri-X and took classes supported by local professionals (and pushed Tri-X as far as my old Canon Ftb would allow). Flash fwd to 2014 and the digital age. I tend to be a technical person and strive to "shoot what I see" so I use no editing software (at this point). I look fwd to things I will learn as a member.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Thom C
Hello to all. I've been visiting this site for some time now and decided to join in.
Thom - It's a pleasure to welcome you to the CiC forum. I hope you find it informative, helpful and enjoyable. I'm sure you've picked up on the sort of tone of the way things are done, so please do jump right in.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi I'm Arthur & staying in New York City.I immigrated here in 2008,since currently unemployed I thought to keep myself busy,buy a camera and learn something about photography.Hope to get a good education in this site.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi Arthur and welcome on board. CiC is all about sharing and learning so you've come to the right place. We have a rule here that there are no dumb questions, so jump in wherever you fancy. If you are new to photography be sure to check out the tutorials on this site - they are excellent.