Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hello my name is Sean and I am originally from California but now live in Edinburgh, Scotland with my family. I was and still have a deep love for photography. In the early 90's my love for it came back while I was commercial fishing in Alaska with film and now since I've been living in Scotlland I have embraced the digital age and I am constantly struggling to learn all the aspects of it especially post-processing and color management and printing. On a funny note, I started photography in high school with a calypso camera (which was the first encapsulated underwater camera developed by Jacques-Yves Cousteau before Nikon took over with thier nikonos system) wich I struggled with but ended up being very popular with all the surfers in school. Over the years I have been using Nikon stuff and probably not change. I find the information on this site very useful for me and look forward posting soon. --Sean
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi All
My name is Aaron and I live in Perth. I am new to photography and I am learning to shoot with a Canon 60D and mostly on a 24-105mm lens. I hope to learn a lot from others here.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Hello my name is Micky ,I live in the Tweed Valley
As in ......... Tweed Valley, Scotland? If so, great to have you here. If not, then it's still great to have you here. I hope you enjoy being part of the forum
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Hello my name is Sean and I am originally from California but now live in Edinburgh, Scotland with my family.
Sean - Another scots-based member. Fantastic. I'm not too far up the M90 motorway from you.
Good to have you here.
So that you don't continue to get people asking you what your proper name is, because most us use that on here, you can go to Edit Profile (under 'Forum Actions' on the Menu Bar), or you can just press on 'Settings' on the menu bar right up at the top right of the window. Once there you can enter the name by which you wish to be addressed under 'Real Name'. Then it will appear underneath your Username in all your posts. You can also enter your location so that it does the same, just as in my details alongside this message. Then we all know where everyone is in the world.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Hi All
My name is Aaron and I live in Perth.
Hello Aaron. Which one? Scotland or Australia?
If the former - Boy, it's cold tonight, isn't it? If the latter, I hope you're enjoying your summer.
So that you don't continue to get people asking you what your proper name is, because most us use that on here, you can go to Edit Profile (under 'Forum Actions' on the Menu Bar), or you can just press on 'Settings' on the menu bar right up at the top right of the window. Once there you can enter the name by which you wish to be addressed under 'Real Name'. Then it will appear underneath your Username in all your posts. You can also enter your location so that it does the same, just as in my details alongside this message. Then we all know where everyone is in the world.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi Guys & Gals,
Just a short intro post, I've just joined the forum in the hope of learning some new techniques. I recently retired and have just bought my first DSLR. I last took serious photographs in the eighties (remember emulsion film?) but now with more time on my hands I hope to achieve a reasonable skill level in the digital world, after I master the technology, as it certainly isn't point and shoot like the compacts that I have used more recently. I'm really looking forward with anticipation to joining in some of the threads but that may be a bit down the line as I guess that I will read more than I post but when I do it will probably be questions rather than anything else.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi Dave, and welcome.
We seem to have a lot is Scots joining at the moment - Donald is getting quite excited. Was it something they put in the tea at hogmanay?
Ask questions whenever you wish. We have a rule that there are no dumb questions (and any dumb answers get sorted pretty quickly :)) If you haven't already, do read the tutorials on this site, they are excellent.
And many of us remember film emulsion :)
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
No Donald the other Tweed Valley on the New South Wales far north coast Australia, but now i'll have to see what the Tweed Valley,Scotland is like and thank you for your kind words
Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here
Hi.I'm Ted I live in the Netherlands. I've been a amateur photographer since I was 12, that's 62 years now, although I did work at a photo studio for a couple of years in my early twenties. In that time I learned to develop colourfilm and workrd with several cameras, from a Speed Graphic to a Rolleiflex and from a Leica to a Hasselblad. The last couple of years I worked with a Nikon D7000 but because of trouble with my eyesight which makes looking through a viewfinder almost impossible I stepped ocer to a Panasonic DMC LX7 which I think is agreat compact. I mainly take pictures of events in my town which I then put on my website.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hello Forum, my Name is Steve. I live in central Fl and have started into this addicting hobby a month ago after I needed to find something to do post hip surgery and photography was it. I surf and since surgery I have attempted shooting surfing instead of surfing and it has saved my soul. Before my surgery on Dec 1 2014 my camera lived in Auto modes and pics were stored in i photo. Now camera lives in Manual most of the time, I shoot all RAW images and they go straight to light room and live in an external Drive, have a folder and name. I have came a long way in month but realize Ill be a rookie of a while no matter how much I read and practice. Besides PT for my hip, eating and going to the bathroom, studying photography, shooting and editing pics is all I am doing these days. How cool and fun (slightly frustrating) this is. i am hooked. Excited to be a part of this forum. looks like some nice folks and a ton of good info. Thanks for having me.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Hello Forum, my Name is Steve. I live in central Fl and have started into this addicting hobby a month ago after I needed to find something to do post hip surgery and photography was it. I surf and since surgery I have attempted shooting surfing instead of surfing and it has saved my soul. Before my surgery on Dec 1 2014 my camera lived in Auto modes and pics were stored in i photo. Now camera lives in Manual most of the time, I shoot all RAW images and they go straight to light room and live in an external Drive, have a folder and name. I have came a long way in month but realize Ill be a rookie of a while no matter how much I read and practice. Besides PT for my hip, eating and going to the bathroom, studying photography, shooting and editing pics is all I am doing these days. How cool and fun (slightly frustrating) this is. i am hooked. Excited to be a part of this forum. looks like some nice folks and a ton of good info. Thanks for having me.
Great story Steve,
Glad you turned a potential negative into something positive. this it a great place to learn no matter how much experience you have.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hello, I am Chris from Telford in Shropshire, am looking forward to meeting you all and to learn about photography.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi.I'm Ted I live in the Netherlands.
Hello Ted, and a warm welcome to CiC. This is a great place to learn and share photography. I hope you enjoy being part of our community, and look forward to hearing more from you.
Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here
Hello, I am Chris from Telford in Shropshire, am looking forward to meeting you all and to learn about photography.
Hello Chris, and a warm welcome to CiC. If you want to learn then you have come to the right place. We are all learning here, and sharing what we know.
I don't know how experienced you are, but if you haven't already, do read the tutorials on this site - they are reckoned some of the best on the net.
Other than that, just jump right in the forums - we're a pretty friendly bunch :)
Dave (from not too far from you)
Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here
Hi, my name is John, I live in Dunfermline, Scotland. I have been interested in photography for about 2yrs now, I am trying my hand at a lot of styles, but as of yet, I have no particular favourite. I have been on this site a few times, and believe this is the place I can learn a lot from.
Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here
Originally Posted by
Hi, my name is John, I live in Dunfermline, Scotland. ... have been on this site a few times, and believe this is the place I can learn a lot from.
Hello John, from just 20 minutes up the road from you. Great to have you here. I'm very glad that what you've seen so far has prompted you to sign up to the forum. I hope you will enjoy being involved and find it useful. One of the things I've always liked about this forum, over some others that are out there, is that even the very knowledgeable and skilled folk on here never forget that they were once a6 the beginning of the learning curve as well. That, I think, leads to a more positive and constructive environment when it comes to learning.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi.My name is John and i live in Halifax Nova Scotia,Canada.I have a Nikon D40x and i have never taken the time to read the manual properly which shows in some of my photos.From what i have read im in the right spot.Kindest Regards.John S.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Hello my name is Micky ,I live in the Tweed Valley and just starting out in Photography.I am using my daughters Canon eos 60d and would like to be able to take a better photograph of some of our beautiful landscapes,it looks like i have a lot of reading in frount of me Thank you:)
I had the 60d, it has the best designed adjustable rear screen of any camera in my opinion
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Hi.My name is John and i live in Halifax Nova Scotia,Canada.I have a Nikon D40x and i have never taken the time to read the manual properly which shows in some of my photos.From what i have read im in the right spot.Kindest Regards.John S.
Hello John and welcome. Thank you for joining.
Yep, there is no substitute for getting to know your camera - what it can and can't do and getting so used to working with it that it becomes something you can do unconsciously. The you can concentrate of composing great images.
So that you don't continue to get people asking you what your proper name is, because most us use that on here, you can go to Edit Profile (under 'Forum Actions' on the Menu Bar), or you can just press on 'Settings' on the menu bar right up at the top right of the window. Once there you can enter the name by which you wish to be addressed under 'Real Name'. Then it will appear underneath your Username in all your posts. You can also enter your location so that it does the same, just as in my details alongside this message. Then we all know where everyone is in the world.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hello CiC. From everything I am seeing, this site is a great tool for learning and improving shooting skills. I am looking forward to being a part of it. My background is in film photography on an amature level. I did darkroom work in Vietnam and it continued as a hobby for 30 years. The cost of film development and the decline of film use in general made digital more appealing as the quality improved. I sold my Canon F1 and all the lenses I had accumulated through the years and bought a new Canon 6D with a 100mm 2.8L macro, 24-70mm 3.8L, and a 40mm pancake lens to get started. I do not have Photoshop yet, but use "Digital professional" for now. It's a free service that magically appeared on my computer. I think it was down loaded from a CD that came with the camera? I attempted to insert a picture I had "stacked" but was unable. I will attempt once again now that I have read up on it...Thanks for bearing with me. I welcome all C&C: